Weekly News – Saturday 18th September

Saturday 18th September

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editor’s Piece

We have the Great Bristol 10k and Half Marathon to look forward to tomorrow. A know a few Westbury runners will be taking part so good luck and I hope you enjoy the experience. Hopefully there will be plenty of spectators out on the route providing encouragement, and the live bands always help towards the end when motivation and energy levels start to flag.

Club Intervals- including the Yate track session

Thursday interval session is 5mins (option of 4mins) 90secs recovery, 5 x 2mins (1min recovery) final 5mins (option of 4mins). This week I can also give you the Tuesday track session for Yate.  Nicola Derrick suggestion is  7 x 900m (300m recovery).

Club Supper- Black Swan

Can you please let Louise Pretty know if you would like to come to The Black Swan at 8:15 on Thursday 23rd September, that’s next week, after the interval session. Please confirm if you would like to attend by responding to the facebook post dated 16th September. If eating please choose your food from the Wickwar App pop-up menu and let Lou know your choice by email – lou90@sky.com by Tuesday morning and payment will be taken on the night. 6 booked on so far so still space available as we have 3 tables booked.

South West PB 5k Series: Wednesday 29th September

Are you kicking yourself because you were too slow in getting your entry in to the Bristol and West 5k PB series? Well, do not fear because there’s one place still available as we have a club member who can no longer attend. If interested send me an e-mail and I can help organise the transfer. First come, first served!

Vet Races Masters Mens, by Mike Mewse

What are Veteran events ? Well – veteran events in running are for men and women aged over 35 years and over and are now called “Masters Athletics”. It is a fast-growing area of our sport with plenty of events, which are run by what has been known as the British Masters Athletics Federation (BMAF) but now Masters Athletics UK.

As a member of Westbury Harriers and our partner club Yate & District AC you can take part in Masters events at local, regional, national and international level in road running, trail running, cross country, and track & field. Racing is back after the Covid interruptions and we are aiming to get teams out in a number of events.

The Gwent Cross Country League is planning a full programme of races this winter with a full range of age categories. The first fixture is coming up soon – on Saturday 16th October in Cardiff. It’s a great event suitable for everyone (groups 1-6). Approx 400 men take part in each race so whatever your ability you will have someone to race with. Every Westbury member scores for their age team and as an individual. It’s a great opportunity to race with club-mates and (whatever the weather) it’s a great atmosphere. You just need your club vest and suitable footwear (spikes or trail shoes).

Entry is £4 per race and all information and details will be sent out nearer the time.

You can find the Gwent League dates on the website.

We are planning to enter teams in this year’s British Masters Cross Country relays on Saturday 30th October in Long Eaton. We will aim to field teams in all age categories :

Each leg is just 3K on a flat, fast, grassy, park course.

V35 (35 to 44 years of age on the day) – 5 in a team, V45 (45 to 54 years) – 5 in a team, V55 (55 to 64 years)  – 4 in a team, V65 (65 year +) – 3 in a team.


The club will pay the entry fee to this event and support with travel costs. If interested e-mail me your details and I’ll pass on to the relevant team manager.

Club Training

Please use the runtogether app or website to book your club runs. If, at any point, your are unable to make a run then we ask you cancel your booking so others can attend. The nights are most definitely pulling in now so do wear brightly coloured/reflective clothing and consider buying a running light if you don’t have one already. Up and Running in Henleaze is worth a visit for kit, especially as all Westbury Harrier members are entitled to a 10% discount.

If taking part in the Thursday interval session worth putting on some insect repellent as a few of us have suffered bites while on the grass.

Note: there will no lunchtime group on 20th September, the next one will be on the 27th September.



Well done to all our youngsters who competed yesterday in the South West Trials for teams of 6 to go to the London Mini-Marathon (first 4 guaranteed selection, others have to wait).  

Artie Savage-Swaine and Seamus Robinson finished 2nd and 3rd in the U17 men, closely followed by Freddie Cooper from our partner club Yate in 6th. In the U15 girls, Laura Chance finished 3rd and Elen Ruck was 7th (and first reserve). Estelle Lowe has also made the U13 girls team. In the U13 boys, Daniel Pemble finished 3rd, and with Akira Bees from Yate finishing 2nd in the U15 boys, that’s no fewer than 5 Westbury Harriers and Yate runners representing the South West.

Carol Fee and Caroline Scapens took on the Wye Valley Tunnel 10K, a flat and scenic out and back route incorporating the 1km long Tidenham Tunnel (which apparently plays havoc with GPC signals).

Well done to Robyn Ellis, now a fully trained blind and visually impaired running guide. Robyn will be acting as a guide for the first ever UK blind and visually impaired 10k race, this Sunday at the Great Bristol 10K.

Pictured below, Mike Mewse and Ewan Paton, both enjoyed running the Richmond Runfest Kew Gardens 10K with Mike taking 5th MV65 and Ewan celebrating 9th MV50.

Strava Segment of the Week

Jack Berry had a good run yesterday with a 7k loop of the Downs. He achieved a second fastest time on Strava segment, Sprint to the lights in 1:20 and a third fastest time on segment, Worral Rd (E) in 3:33. Well done.

Diary Dates

Sunday 19th September Bristol Half Marathon and 10k. https://tinyurl.com/mkxn2xdf

Wednesday 29th September. Race 4 of the Bristol and West PB 5k series. ONE SPACE AVAILABLE!

Sunday 3rd October. Berkeley 10k. A fast, local 10k, almost guaranteed for a PB! https://www.entrycentral.com/berkeley10

Saturday 16th October. Cardiff Cross Challenge, the first fixture in the 21/22 Cross Challenge Series.

Sunday 17th October. Keynsham Dandy. Autumn sees the return of the TACH well-loved 12.5 miles run through some wonderful countryside.  https://www.sientries.co.uk/event.php?elid=Y&event_id=8565&fbclid=IwAR2BHr5pFEXeIWccZd5vaDnkv7bgCGEt0qW0-eSSE2Z-6wzJnFNNrWgomF8

Sunday 31st October. The Westonbirt House Duathlon, comprises a 5k run, 25k bike and a final 5k run. https://tinyurl.com/yryyctmz

Sunday 28th November Wiltshire AVR Half Marathon. Has been a club championship event in the past so always popular with the club. http://www.avrwiltshirehalfmarathon.org

Friday 3rd December Night Race Mallards Pike Lake, Forest of Dean. It’s off-road, in the dark and very exciting! https://sites.google.com/site/roguerunsevents/home/our-events/night-runs

Sunday 19th December Weston’s Christmas Cracker 10k, entires now open. http://www.westonac.co.uk/christmas-cracker

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
