Weekly News Saturday 25th September

Saturday 25th September

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editor’s Piece

It very much feels as if the summer is over with some chillier mornings and the nights starting to creep in.  For example at last Thursday’s interval session we could all see the sun slowly setting below the horizon, and this was before we’d even started the session.

Probably still a little too soon to dig out those long sleeves but you will need to search out those high-viz bibs and running lights. 

Club Intervals- 1, 2, 3.

For Thursday the session will involve  3 sets of 3mins (1min recovery) 2mins (1min recovery) 1min (1min recovery) 30secs – 90secs between sets. Enjoy.

South West PB 5k Series: Wednesday 29th September

We still have one place available for the Bristol and West 5km event this Wednesday as a club member can no longer attend. Apparently you are guaranteed a PB on this super fast course! If interested in participating send me an e-mail and I’ll help arrange the transfer. 

Gwent League Fixtures

With the cross country season underway I thought it would be useful to list the upcoming Gwent fixtures. More information can be found using the link below or by speaking to one of the clubs team managers.

Saturday 16th October Llandaff Fields, Cardiff
13th or 14th November TBD
Saturday 4th December Pembrey Country Park
Saturday 19th February 22 Blaise Castle
Saturday 19th March 22 Singleton Park, Swansea

British Maters Cross County Relay Championship, Long Eaton

Just a reminder that the Relay Championships take place on Saturday 30th October at West Park Leisure Centre, Long Eaton.

This is a fast and flat 3k off-road course with team competitions in age groups V35, V45, V55, V65+ with 3 runners per team.  Please let Eithne Noonan know if you are interested in taking part, vet.women@westburyharriers.co.uk. For the men let Mike Mewse know your interested, or e-mail your details to me and I’ll forward them on.  https://tinyurl.com/3r5z5f7n

Mary’s Remembrance Run

Thank you to everybody that donated at the charity run and cake sale at Blaise. We raised for St Peter’s Hospice £546.76 in cash. There were also many donations made on-line to the Just Giving website. 

Club Training

Note: there will not be a 7pm evening group 4 run on 27th September this week. All the other runs can be found on the runtogether site.


We have a birthday in the club to celebrate today. Congratulations to Trish Robson, I hope you have a great day.

Well done to everybody that run the Great Bristol Half and 10k last Sunday.  I hope you all managed to negotiate the course without making any wrong turnings! 

And well done to Colin Johnson (pictured with Chris Blackabee) for making the Bristol 10k the first official race for blind and visually impaired runners.

Sandy, pictured below, making the half look all too easy.

Good luck to all our teams racing at the Midland Road Relays at Sutton Park today. I look forward to hearing how you all got on.

Hot off the press: Just received the group photo below from Nicola of the men at the Midlands 6 stage Relay. Pictured from left to right we have Jack Derrick, Alex Hamblin, Josh Morland, Alan Uren, Chris Palmer and Scott Campbell.

Strava Segment of the Week

Rob Harrison was working hard yesterday evening on a pyramid session up on the Downs. He achieved several achievements but I shall name just a couple which included PR on Strava segment Stoke Road Sprint in a time of 1:40 and ‘Stoke lights to 3rd bike in a time of 1:03.

Diary Dates

Wednesday 29th September. Race 4 of the Bristol and West PB 5k series. ONE SPACE AVAILABLE!

Sunday 3rd October. Berkeley 10k. A fast, local 10k, almost guaranteed for a PB! https://www.entrycentral.com/berkeley10

Saturday 16th October. Cardiff Cross Challenge, the first fixture in the 21/22 Cross Challenge Series.

Sunday 17th October. Keynsham Dandy. Autumn sees the return of the TACH well-loved 12.5 miles run through some wonderful countryside.  https://www.sientries.co.uk/event.php?elid=Y&event_id=8565&fbclid=IwAR2BHr5pFEXeIWccZd5vaDnkv7bgCGEt0qW0-eSSE2Z-6wzJnFNNrWgomF8

Saturday 30th October. Relay Championships take place on at West Park Leisure Centre, Long Eaton.

Sunday 31st October. The Westonbirt House Duathlon, comprises a 5k run, 25k bike and a final 5k run. https://tinyurl.com/yryyctmz

Sunday 28th November Wiltshire AVR Half Marathon. Has been a club championship event in the past so always popular with the club. http://www.avrwiltshirehalfmarathon.org

Friday 3rd December Night Race Mallards Pike Lake, Forest of Dean. It’s off-road, in the dark and very exciting! https://sites.google.com/site/roguerunsevents/home/our-events/night-runs

Saturday 4th December Gwent League Cross Country, Pembrey Park

Sunday 19th December Weston’s Christmas Cracker 10k, entires now open. http://www.westonac.co.uk/christmas-cracker

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
