Weekly News – Sunday 9th August

Sunday 9th August

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editor’s Piece

The writing has been on the wall for weeks, if not months. The London Marathon has finally been cancelled for October (unless of course you are an elite athlete). Not really a surprise, perhaps just a little frustrating it has taken so long for a decision to be made.

It’s not quite the London Marathon but we do have the Severn Bridge 10K taking place on Sunday 30th August. Rather than the normal mass start it will be a time-trial format but you still get to enjoy running across a motorway bridge (yes, they do shut the M48 to traffic!).

I’ve just had a look at the start list and we have half a dozen Westbury runners and there’s still time to register.

Treasure Hunt 

Nobody was successful this week in finding all the treasure hunt something’s in a single photo. Perhaps next week somebody will meet the challenge!

We did have imaginative items from everybody but there can only be one winner so this week a round of applause for Sandra Williams. Sandra was quite creative in her photo’s with the exception of the space man which she has used numerous times. In fact we even have a real astronaut in the photo collage as well!

A reminder of last week’s treasure hunt items are below.

  • Theme: Guess the nursery rhyme
  • A classic car
  • A ‘For Sale’ sign
  • Something beginning with ‘i’
  • Something green and pink
  • A statue
  • An insect
  • A shadow

Your treasure hunt something’s for this week are…

  • Theme: Guess the children’s book 
  • A sunflower
  • A postbox marked with a GR or EviiiR
  • A Yew tree
  • A sold sign
  • A flag
  • Something blue and white
  • Something beginning with ‘J’

Thursday Club Intervals

Please could athletes and pod leaders remember to leave a decent space between ‘pods’ of 6 runners when training at Coombe Dingle.  One way of doing this might be to place coloured cones for each pod 10m apart before runners arrive, and pod members are encouraged to leave their water bottles and spare kit around their own pod’s cone.  We’re really keen to keep you all safe.

Interval sessions are held at Coombe Dingle sports centre from 6:45pm but do let the club know if you are attending beforehand so we can manage numbers. You can do this by responding to the facebook posting.

I must say a special well done to my pod last week. Although the official advertised session involved running five sets we were given an optional extra set at the very end, which everybody did! Although some of us were looking forward to watching the final set from the shade of the trees, that’s peer pressure for you!

This weeks session is Katie’s special 3 minute mash-up session. Apparently it will be fun! 3 x 1 minute off 30 secs recover, 30, 40, 50, 60 off half time recover, 90 secs x 2 off and 45 secs recover, 3 minutes.

30, 60, 90 off half time recovery, 3 x 1 minute off 30 secs recovery.

All quite complicated but if it does not make any sense just do what I do, and just wait for the whistle to be blown for the next effort.

Member of the Month Nominations

Member of the Month Award for the seniors goes to family team Mike and Jane Mewse, who have been doing such a great job on the club house.  In fact, everyone on the pavilion committee has been chipping in, clearing so much junk out of the loft, clearing up after the builders and painting top to bottom.  Mike has been project managing the whole works as well, which has not been a trivial task.  The pavilion is completely transformed, and once the paint on the floor is dry, and we’ve tidied up a bit, we’ll be posting a video walkthrough online.

Junior Member of the Month is Greg Hayward, for finishing 3rd in the England Schools ‘virtual’ 800m championships at the start of July.  Greg ran a time-trial 2:01.3 out at Yate, just a second outside his best, and only two other senior schoolboys in the country ran faster.

Well done to you all. Up and Running vouchers will be on the way to you shortly. 

Picture from the Past

Many thanks to John Canning for this week’s photo from the archive. It shows Westbury Harriers at Blaise Castle from 16th January 1993, winning the Midland Cross-Country Championships.

Strava Results of the Week…

Many of us have been somewhat naughty (myself included) and passing on hill sessions. This is not the case for Alex Wilson as on Saturday he did 2 laps around Eastville park incorporating four 20 second hill reps. Perhaps we should follow by example and get some hill sessions in too!

No Strava segments on Steve Puetz early run this morning but that does not matter because the stunning scenery trumps any Strava crown or PR! I’m very jealous Steve, it looks fantastic for running and cycling.

Diary Dates

Sunday 30th August Severn Bridge 10K.… running between sea and sky. No half marathon this year but the 10k event is still planned to take place. They have a race permit, insurance and agreement to close the bridge. This will be in a time trial format with runners arriving over a 3 hour period and starting at approximately 10 second intervals. Use the link below for more details and entry.


Saturday 21st November. Club Awards Night at Westbury Village Hall

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer
