Weekly News Sunday 8th May


Sunday 8th May

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editors Piece

It goes without saying I owe you all a massive thanks for the Richard Bloss Personality of the Year award nomination. I’m very humbled as we have lots of big personalities in the club to choose from. I would not have won without your help as it’s your running stories and adventures that give me so much to talk about and share.

Last night was a celebration for all our members with many deserving winners, young and old sharing their success and achievements. Plaudits were awarded for running achievements, volunteering and competition wins.

Next week I’ll provide a full list of winners for those who were unable to make the event.

Trip to the Seaside

Perfect weather for the run to Clevedon yesterday morning. A lovely route through the countryside to Portishead, followed by the Coast path to Clevedon. The 17 miles flew by with great company and some fun and games along the way!

A Birthday Celebration on the beach for Sandra Williams, a paddle in the sea and a stroll along the pier (where our adventure caused much interest and is going to feature on their Facebook page too!).

Thanks to Tim for planning and leading, and to everyone in the group for sorting drinks, cake, snacks and lifts back home. A brilliant morning, we will have to organise a few more Saturday away days this summer!

Report and photos by Mark and Sarah Andrews

Picture 1: The journal begins, from Bristol to Clevedon.

Picture 2 Is that James Bond emerging from the sea, no it’s Steve Emery (but an easy mistake to make!)

Thursday Club and Yate Track Intervals

This week we’ll be on the grass at Coombe Dingle. A nice easy interval session to remember as we will be running 6 x 3 minute intervals with a 90 second recovery.   The session will help build endurance in readiness for the tow path mob match later this month. Aim to run at 5k pace, there’s also the option to reduce the number of intervals to 5.

The Yate track session will be posted on facebook.

A Brief Guide to Thursday Intervals 

In case you’ve not tried the Thursday interval session at Coombe Dingle before I would definitely recommend it. It’s a good work-out and at this time of the year we have some lovely warm evenings for it.

The session always begins with a short warm-up lap and then the running drills commence. Running drills help to improve running technique and form and during the session you will be told how to do these correctly.

We then begin the session and we generally group up by running ability, although during the session itself it is possible to move up or down a group, depending how you feel. A coach will be on hand to blow the whistle so you’ll know when each interval starts and finishes. 

The session will end with a short cool-down jog and some stretches.

We have a few photos below, taken by Sarah Andrews last week, which illustrate what happens on the day.

GWR Towpath Mob Match Friday 20th May

The Great Western Runners two path series kicks off with the Mob Match on Friday 20th May. In this race local rerunning clubs and teams are invited to bring as many members as possible to compete in the team event. The first 20 runners will count for the team and the club with its counters in the highest finishing positions will win a trophy!


Two Tunnels and Horton Bull Run

Some great running by Jim Batty today at the Two Tunnels Bath Half. Jim was flying along and finished in 1:31 (Strava time).

Second claim runner Jack Pitcher also had a great day completing the Horton Bull run in 24:18 and claiming a second place win.

Bitton 5k

Westbury Harriers were well represented at the first race in the series this evening.

It was the first 5k of the year for many of us, so a few nervous faces on the starting line! A few over enthusiastic first miles but we all kept going well and most were pleased with their efforts!

Congratulation’s to Rebecca Lee for finishing 2nd Lady and thanks to Sandra Sforza for driving duties.

Race report and photos by Mark Andrews

Results: 6th Robin Phillips 17:45, 22nd Steve Emery 19:28, 26nd Becky Lee 20:25, 30th Mike Hurst 21:21, 32nd Mark Andrews 21:34, 35th Lucy Richens 21:44, 49th Sandra Sforza 25:08


Group 3 Monday Run Arrangement Changes 9th May 

We are changing some of the Group 3 arrangements starting next Monday.

The 6:30pm Group 3A, and the 7pm Group 3 are combining into one Group which will run from the Clubhouse at Blaise at 6:30pm. We will have several leaders involved and intend to offer the same range of pace as the two groups were offering. So if you have run with either group previously you will be fine in this new group. Link to RunTogether is below.

There is no change to the 6pm Group 3 which will continue as before.  https://tinyurl.com/mrae9nk7

Midland Athletic League

Still lots of spaces left in the middle distance events. At least 1 space still available on the Women’s team and most events still available on the Men’s side (only the 1500m is full) There is also a Women’s 5k and Men’s 3k at this match that will need filling. 

If you’re interested please contact Vicky: senior.track.manager@westburyharriers.co.uk

Avon County Athletic Championships

Just a reminder that if you wish to enter the 2022 Avon Country Track and Field Championships on Saturday/Sunday 14/15th May the deadline for entries is TODAY. No late entries will be allowed. Details in the link below, or contact Vicky via senior.track.manager@westburyharriers.co.uk


Blaise Blazer Call for Volunteers Monday 6th June

The Blaise Blazer finally makes a return on Monday 6th June. For those of you who can think of nothing worse than racing the hills then you have a legitimate excuse by helping out. If you are quick you can nab the tail runner role. Also popular is taking an early spot and then tagging along with the tail runner and bring the last runner home. We also need help at the finish and with refreshments.

Kenyan Hills

James Harrod (19) is one of our group of talented Westbury Harriers young runners. 

James is on a gap year before university and is currently training in the small town of Iten in the Kenyan Rift Valley. Iten is famous for producing countless world-class distance runners. James describes his daily routine “A typical day starts with a 6:30 morning run. I normally run with a group of about fifty Kenyans, all of whom firmly believe that they will one day be the best in the world. This run is followed by breakfast (always pancakes) and we then have a couple of hours to rest before lunch which is normally rice and beans. Lunch may then be followed by a nap and maybe even a sports massage before your second run or gym session. We watch the sunset while doing core and stretching every evening before dinner which is usually ugali, a maize flour meal that Kenyans swear by, followed by card games and then a nice early bedtime to repeat it all again the next day. Life is stripped down to the essentials of eat, sleep, and run”

Photos : James on early morning run and with 2017 World Marathon Champion, Abel Kirui. 

Report by Mike Mewse

Monument to Monument Sunday 15th May

Nicola Derrick has asked me to advertise this popular run organised by the Wickwar Runners. Walk, jog or run all or some of the trail routes from Wickway to Hawkesbury Upton Monument and back.

  • LEG 1: WICKWAR VILLAGE HALL > NORTH NIBLEY (via Charfield) – 6m (1Okm)
  • LEG 3: HAWKESBURY UPTON to WICKWAR – 3.5m (5.5km)

For more details contact Andy Cleave 07900-198877 or 


Club Birthday

Not one, but two club birthdays to celebrate. 

Firstly congratulations to Sandra Williams who’s birthday celebrations included a heroic run from Bristol to Clevedon yesterday. I won’t say Sandra’s age as I’m too much of a gentleman but can inform you she’ll be joining a very special age category and I look forward to hearing about some new age category wins!

We also celebrate one of our most popular run leaders who’s birthday is tomorrow.  Have a great day Laura Smith!

Editor’s note: Doh, just realised there’s a massive clue to Sandra’s age in the photo!

Strava Segment of the Week

David Steller was up at the crack of dawn with a 16k run into Bristol centre. On route he achieved his second best time on Strava segment ‘watch for balls’ in a time of 2:35.

Diary Dates

Sunday 8th May Two Tunnels by Relish Running

Saturday/Sunday 14/15th May Avon County Athletic Track Champs, Yate

Sunday 15th May Monument to Monument trail run

Friday 20th May Race 1 Towpath Series (including Mob Match)

Saturday 21st May Bristol 3 Peaks by Aspire Running

Monday 30th May Hogweed Trot 10k 19:00 Yate. https://tinyurl.com/yckkn3wu

Monday 6th June The Westbury Harriers Blaise Blazer multi-terrain race.

Thursday 9th July TACH Rowberrow Romp. TACH’s outstanding new Summer Race.  A challenging 10k-ish route of Mendip mud, strenuous climbs, fab views and a thunderous descent.

Saturday and Sunday 11 and 12 June. Cheddar Challenge by Relish Running

Tuesday 14th June Clevedon AC Midsummer 10K, go to the Clevedon AC website and follow the link to their races

Friday 17th June Race 2 Towpath Series

Saturday/Sunday 18-19th June Brecon Running/Camping Weekend.

Thursday 23rd June Meal and Drinks and Black Swan post Intervals

Sunday 26th June. Lacock Road Races, Half and 10k by Relish Running.

Tuesday 28th June Sri Chimnoy 2 mile (Club Champs) 

Saturday 2nd July Cotswold Way relay. 10 stage trail relay event.

Thursday 7th July Tintern Trot, 10k trail run along the Wye Valley. Group discount if we have more than 10 interested.

Thursday 14th July TACH Purdown Pursuit. About 10km of parkland and woodland. Lots of juicy little hills.

Thursday 14th July Thornbury  Midsummer 10k (Club Champs) https://clevedonac.co.uk/our-races/midsummer-10k-race/

Friday 22nd July Race 3 Towpath Series

Sunday 24th July The Age Grader, Oldbury. Overall positions (and prizes) will be based on age-adjusted times and not actual time .This event is also suitable for anyone looking to gain a PB on the flat 5 mile course.

This event will we feel will attract seasoned racers and so we are not providing a medal but instead: hot drinks and cakes, a beer, a banana and a sports drink for all. https://www.sites.google.com/site/roguerunsevents/home/our-events/age-grader

Saturday 30th July Magor 10K, fast, flat and furious.

Wednesday 3rd August Bitton Road Race (Club Champs) 

Friday 19th August Race 4 (5K) Towpath Series

Saturday 17th September Relish Running Cheddar Gorge Downhill 10K. https://tinyurl.com/2p9yrsvk

Sunday 18th September Chippenham Half Marathon

Saturday 24th September, Uphill to Wells Relay. An off-road relay race starting at Uphill beach and finishing at Wells Cathedral. The route is 90% off-road and follows the West Mendip Way along footpaths and bridleways. The race is a ‘hand-over’ relay, run without marshals, water stations or other assistance. Teams are responsible for their own safety and for researching the route although their progress will be monitored at check-points at the end of every leg. https://www.uphilltowells.com/default.aspx

Sunday 25th September Great Bristol Run 10k and Half. https://www.greatrun.org/events/great-bristol-run/

Sunday 25th September Forest of Dean Autumn Half Marathon. https://www.rotary-rfod.org.uk/events.php

Sunday 16th October Bath Half Marathon, POSTPONED!

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
