Weekly News – Sunday 15th May

Sunday 14th May

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editors Piece

Most of us who run regularly tend to use a sports watch for recording sessions from a brand like Garmin or Polar.  These modern watches have so much functionality from recording running statistics, mapping, playing music and even making contactless payments! Personally I think they almost do too much and understanding how to use a watch correctly is a nightmare, unless you have a computer science degree!

In the next week or two I’m going to ask Richard Hughes (who’s a become an expert in such matters) to help us understand how to programme an interval session. You can then try this out on your own or for a Thursday session.

PS. I’m likely to upset a lot of people and even receive hate mail with this next comment. But will somebody explain to me this business of pausing the watch every time you come to a junction, stop to look at the view or even blow your nose?  Does it matter if the run includes a few breaks and isn’t there a danger of wearing out the pause button!

Thursday Club and Yate Track Intervals

Starting with the Yate Track session for Tuesday. The session will include the usual walking dynamic stretches, warm-up and warm-down, plus static stretches.


  • 3 x 800m (200m jog/walk recovery)
  • 400m float
  • 6 x 400m (100m Jog/walk recovery

For Thursday we’ll be on the Coombe Dingle field and the session will be:

5 x (30-40-50-60) with half time recoveries between efforts and 90 seconds between sets. There is the option to do 4 sets instead of 5.

This will be the day before the mob match so treat as a pre-race leg stretch if you wish to come along.

Member of the Month Winners

Well done to our junior MoTM winner for May, Rhiannon Patton. Rhiannon won her nomination for a very impressive 5km time at a race in Whitchurch, on the outskirts of Cardiff. She is seen wearing her Welsh vest as this was an Inter Areas Match. And the time 17:10, a massive PB by over a minute!

The senior winner is Kate Hoffen (pictured in the black running top with theyellow band). Kate originally ran for Bristol and West (we can’t hold that against her!) but is now a first claim Westbury and has already represented in the club in many different specialisms of running. You could say Kate will give anything a try, she trains regularly with the club, has competed in trail, road, cross country, and enjoys the club social runs.

Kate is apparently a fan of Danial Craig so this is just for you and it’s running related, of sorts.

Well done to you both, some Up and Running vouchers will be on there way to you soon.

Horton Bull Run Results

Great running by Henry Watson at the Horton Bull Run last Sunday 8th May.

Henry was an impressive 3rd overall and 1st junior over the distance 4.3 miles in a time of 25.38.

Group 4 Monday Run Arrangement Changes 9th May 

Group 4 Monday evening arrangements are changing as the groups previously running at 6pm and 7pm are now combining and will both run from the clubhouse at Blaise from 6:30pm

GWR Tow Path Mob Match – Next Friday!

Final reminder! The Great Western Runners two path series kicks off with the Mob Match on Friday 20th May. In this race local race, running clubs and teams are invited to bring as many members as possible to compete in the team event.

Be there, or be square! https://www.greatwesternrunners.org.uk/towpath-series/

EA myAthletics Portal

Could I ask that if you’re a run leader, coach, volunteer or helper supporting our groups (eg juniors, seniors or academy) you check all your details have been included on the myAthletics Portal site?

Any running related qualifications you have need to be recored, such as LIRF, coaching skills/licenses, safeguarding courses etc.  Link is provided below.


Club Birthday

Happy birthday to Lou Pretty, a regular runner with the club on Monday’s who also likes to compete for WH. Have a great day!

Sri Chinmoy Races

Tamsin reports that this is a really nice event very friendly and cheap to enter. Be great to see more people there. There is a junior 1 mile race each time. The next race is the 5km club champs, then later in June another 2 mile event and finishing the series with a fun 3 x 1 mile relay. Details in the link below.

Juniors. Lola Simpson 1st place and in 2nd place, Darcy Simpson.

Seniors. Robin Phillips, 1st, Tamsin Chick 2nd female, Debbie Hunt, 3rd female, Eithne Noonan 1st in age group. https://uk.srichinmoyraces.org/races/bristol

Award Winners 2022

List of award winners below. Well done everybody and just because you didn’t win something this year does not mean you won’t win next time around.

  • Best Newcomers: Evie Timbrell, Grainne Quine, Augustin Downing, Steve Clayson
  • Most Improved: Heide Andrews, Maeve Robinson, Matt Mohan, Murray Pearson
  • Academy: Elsa Jones, Arthur Smith
  • Novice: Lola Simpson, Jay McIIhinney
  • U13: Estelle Lowe, Daniel Pemble
  • U15: Laura Chance, Akira Bees
  • U17: Abigail Woodworth, Artie Savage-Swaine
  • U20: Tilley Spinney, Greg Hayward
  • Senior: Floren Scrafton, Alex Hamblin
  • V35: Tamsin Chick, Oli Beale
  • V45: Emma Woodworth, Ewan Paton
  • V55: Sandy Masters, Mark Andrews
  • V65: Shirley Hume, Mike Mewse
  • Athlete of the Year: Rosie Hamilton-James, Seamus Robinson, Catherine Treble, Ben Rawlins
  • Club Captain: Liz Lovelock, Robin Phillips
  • Richard Bloss Personality of the Year: Ian Gawinowski
  • Service to the Club: Tamsin Chick
  • Club Person 2022:  Tom Woodworth, Finn Goodhew, Brooke Michael, Katie Ramsden, Alistair Blackwood, Ian Derrick, Kay Ridgewell, Anneke Bull
  • Coach/Group Leaders: Anthony Glover, Vicky Tester, Richard Hughes, Nicola Derrick, Eithne Noonan, Mel Lowe, Carrie Jones, Ros White, Louise Smith, Andrew Davis, Sam Hodgson
  • Junior Team of the Year: U17Men’s Midlands Road Relay Champions.
  • Senior Team of the Year: South West Senior Women’s Silver Medallists (Rosie Hamilton-James, Catherine Treble, Tilly Spinney, Katie Hughes, Vicky Tester)
  • Peter Griffin Memorial Trophy: Jack Derrick
  • Vice President: Gill Anagnostakis, Sandra Sforza, Judy Knights, Jason Michael, Chris Palmer, Alex Miller
  • Life Member: Mike Clark, Robyn Golding
Strava Segment of the Week

Well done to Abigail Oliver on a big half marathon circular tour of Bristol going out as far as Ashton Court. Two PR Strava segments this morning with a PR on Up Frinzels Bridge in 40 seconds and lower car park to gate in 2:54. Also a text estimated 400m effort at 1:26.

Diary Dates

Sunday 15th May Monument to Monument trail run

Friday 20th May Race 1 Towpath Series (including Mob Match)

Saturday 21st May Bristol 3 Peaks by Aspire Running

Monday 30th May Hogweed Trot 10k 19:00 Yate. https://tinyurl.com/yckkn3wu

Sunday 5th June Bradley Stoke 10k Race Nation

Monday 6th June The Westbury Harriers Blaise Blazer multi-terrain race.

Saturday and Sunday 11 and 12 June. Cheddar Challenge by Relish Running

Sunday 12th June. Chew Valley 10k  http://www.chewvalley10k.co.uk

Tuesday 14th June Clevedon AC Midsummer 10K, go to the Clevedon AC website and follow the link to their races

Friday 17th June Race 2 Towpath Series

Saturday/Sunday 18-19th June Brecon Running/Camping Weekend.

Thursday 23rd June Meal and Drinks and Black Swan post Intervals

Sunday 26th June. Lacock Road Races, Half and 10k by Relish Running.

Tuesday 28th June Sri Chimnoy 2 mile (Club Champs) 

Saturday 2nd July Cotswold Way relay. 10 stage trail relay event.

Thursday 7th July Tintern Trot, 10k trail run along the Wye Valley. Group discount if we have more than 10 interested.

Thursday 14th July TACH Purdown Pursuit. About 10km of parkland and woodland. Lots of juicy little hills.

Thursday 14th July Thornbury  Midsummer 10k (Club Champs)  https://clevedonac.co.uk/our-races/midsummer-10k-race/

Friday 22nd July Race 3 Towpath Series

Sunday 24th July The Age Grader, Oldbury. Overall positions (and prizes) will be based on age-adjusted times and not actual time .This event is also suitable for anyone looking to gain a PB on the flat 5 mile course.  This event will we feel will attract seasoned racers and so we are not providing a medal but instead: hot drinks and cakes, a beer, a banana and a sports drink for all. https://www.sites.google.com/site/roguerunsevents/home/our-events/age-grader

Saturday 30th July Magor 10K, fast, flat and furious.

Wednesday 3rd August Bitton Road Race (Club Champs) 

Friday 19th August Race 4 (5K) Towpath Series

September (date changed from June) TACH Rowberrow Romp. TACH’s outstanding new Summer Race.  A challenging 10k-ish route of Mendip mud, strenuous climbs, fab views and a thunderous descent.

Saturday 17th September Relish Running Cheddar Gorge Downhill 10K. https://tinyurl.com/2p9yrsvk

Sunday 18th September Chippenham Half Marathon

Saturday 24th September, Uphill to Wells Relay. An off-road relay race starting at Uphill beach and finishing at Wells Cathedral. The route is 90% off-road and follows the West Mendip Way along footpaths and bridleways. The race is a ‘hand-over’ relay, run without marshals, water stations or other assistance. Teams are responsible for their own safety and for researching the route although their progress will be monitored at check-points at the end of every leg. https://www.uphilltowells.com/default.aspx

Sunday 25th September Great Bristol Run 10k and Half. https://www.greatrun.org/events/great-bristol-run/

Sunday 25th September Forest of Dean Autumn Half Marathon. https://www.rotary-rfod.org.uk/events.php

Sunday 16th October Bath Half Marathon, POSTPONED!

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
