Weekly News – Sunday 25th October

Sunday 25th October

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editor’s Piece

It has suddenly turned very autumnal. Hopefully you’re not going to let the weather and dull days deter you from running. Remember, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing! Make sure you dig out those long sleeved tops, gloves and hats. Don’t forget, it’s also sensible to invest in some fluorescent kit and running lights, especially if running the dark streets. If you head over to Up and Running by Waitrose, near Henleaze, they have plenty of kit. Members of the club can also claim a 10% discount. https://upandrunning.co.uk/bristol

If you happen to be a morning person (unlike me), you’re in luck. The clocks go back today so you’ve got one extra hour of daylight in the morning. I’ve decided to turn the clocks back, not just by one hour, but to October 2019, before we’d even heard of Covid-19. Just off to crank the handle of the time machine now!

Club Kit

Seniors/Juniors – A few people have been in contact about club vests. So new people are aware our official club vest is the white vest with blue hoop. Please contact Tamsin or Katie Hughes and we can bring along to training – we are there every Thursday. Also, if you want a club hoodie we can bring too. Other kit is purchased via our online shop, the blue vest on there is just for training not one for racing. We have sample jackets so if you wish to purchase one of the jackets you are welcome to try for size before you order online. https://westburyharriers.co.uk/about/kit-shop/

Saturday Water Tower Run

Just a reminder an informal run takes place every Saturday morning, from 9am. Start location is the water tower on the Downs and runners form into pods of 6, adhering with government guidelines. 

I actually managed to get out of bed in time for it this Saturday,  and joined them for a relaxed and social run through Leigh Woods. Elaine (pictured below and looking very determined) even managed to combine it with some upper body strength training.

Thursday Club Intervals

Last week’s session was quite tough, or perhaps it was because I’d had a busy week. I even considered running only 3 of the 4 minute interval at the end. Katie Hughes said this would be fine, but she would never speak to me again if I did! Sometimes you just need a little extra encouragement!

It’s a nice and easy interval session this week, sorry – let me clarify, easy to remember. We start with 10 x 90 second intervals with a 1 minute recovery. Even I should be able to programme this session into my watch! Then there’s the option (unless in Katie’s pod!), of a 4 minute effort at the end.


Don’t forget there are various runs this week, including the Thursday’s intervals, on the Runtogether website and app.  https://groups.runtogether.co.uk/WestburyHarriersRunningClub/Runs


Speedwell Runners 5K Whitehall Track Race

A 5k track race took place on Saturday morning, on what proved to be a very windy day, not ideal for fast times. Report below provided by Ewan Paton from facebook posting.

Not sure if we have any photos this time, but several Westbury Harriers were in action once again today at the Whitehall track for the “Speedwell Runners” (mostly organised and run by Bristol & West members and coaches) 5000m track time trials.

The technical meteorological term for the conditions was “blowing a hoolie”, with a headwind of up to 40 kph in the home straight, but it mostly stayed dry and not too cold, and there were some excellent runs and PBs.

There were five races in all, with Harriers in four of them. The runners started at 10s intervals, which in some races widened as the laps went on, but in others were bridged fairly quickly. The whole event was, as usual, very well organised and staffed by volunteers, with Covid 19 app check-in and a quick temperature ‘zap check’ on entry.

In the first race (the Speedsters), there were excellent runs from (and barely an energy bar wrapper between) Anthony Glover (V45; 16:43.4) and young James Harrod (16:45.3).

The third race was an all female affair, with three excellent Westbury runs. In the words of the race organiser, Rosie Hamilton-James “was the star of the ladies’ race”, with a superb PB to beat her sub-18 target (17:57.0). There was also a big 5K PB for Rhiannon Paton (19:20.1), who went off very fast, then settled down, but still had enough for a good finish. Not far behind there was a strong and evenly paced sub-20 run by Vicky Tester (19:48.2).

Race 4 saw new member Minkee Kim follow up his impressive 3000m track debut with a brisk 18:27.2. Grizzled near-V50 veteran Ewan Paton (who he?) was not too far behind Minkee (but couldn’t catch him) in 18:46.4.

Finally, very well done to very new member Nick Dobson in Race 5, in his first track 5000m, running his first sub-20 5K in 3 years (19:27.2) with which he rightly declared himself “Proper chuffed”!

Well done to all, and good luck to those who managed to bag a place at the next Whitehall track 3000m. These are much appreciated events, and great credit is due to Chris Elson, Nick Crew and all their helpers for a very smooth operation and enjoyable experience all round.

Virtual Dublin Marathon

It only seems five minutes ago that Robin Phillips ran the virtual London Marathon so hat’s off for running the virtual Dublin Marathon this weekend. Robin’s route differed quite a lot from Dublin’s in that he started along the wet and muddy tow path, parallel to the Portway. He then headed north through Filton and Bradley Stoke before turning east to finish in Yate. Robin did the Marathon distance (and a little bit extra) in 3:43:47. Well done.

Bristol and West Virtual Challenge Bourne Coombe

Congratulations to Richard Hughes, Sandra Williams and Anneka Bull who took part int he B&W virtual challenge. Looks like they managed to avoid the rain today while running a 5k loop near Barrow Gurney.

Strava Results of the Week

Well done to David Martin on his morning run with Pete. David had not one, not two, but four personal records on Strava segment M-Shed Straight 3:23, Zig Zag Hill 2:48, M-Shed Sprint – Clockwise 48s and GFR to Sailing School 3:27

Diary Dates

Saturday 21st November – Club Awards Night (virtually)

The races below are organised by dbmax. May be worth checking with them first to ensure events are not impacted by Covid-19 restrictions.

31st October – Westonbirt House Duathlon, 8th November – Escape Lockdown Trail Race, 22nd November – Castle Combe Chilly 10k, 22nd November – Castle Combe Chilly Duathlon, 13th December – Westonbirt Christmas 10k, 20th December – Chippenham Shortest Day 10k . https://www.dbmax.co.uk

If you’ve entered any of the Severn Bridge Night Race Series these have been deferred because of the Welsh ‘Fire Break’. Check the Rogue Races website for the latest details and dates. https://sites.google.com/site/roguerunsevents/home

I’ve also noticed there are quite a few events advertised on the Fabian4 website. Just check out the link below for details. http://www.fabian4.co.uk

Sunday 3rd October 2021 Clarendon Marathon, Half Marathon, Mini and Relay. https://www.clarendon-marathon.co.uk

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communciation@westburyharriers.co.uk
