Weekly News – Sunday 1st November

Sunday 1st November

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editor’s Piece

Just as we get back into a regular routine with interval training, group runs and social Saturday’s it all had to come to an abrupt end. From Thursday we enter lockdown so no more organised group runs from this point. I’m not sure when training will resume, I’ve just seen that the government may continue the restrictions beyond 2nd December so watch this space for updates.

On a more positive note at least we can still get outside and run. Individuals can also meet one other person from another household outside in a public place. Therefore we can still run with a buddy, as long as you maintain a social distance from each other.

I’ll try and keep the weekly news going so if you have anything to contribute that’s running related then now’s the time for submissions.

Saturday Water Tower Run

Just the hard core out in the rain and wind yesterday, photographed below are Mark, Sarah and myself. Again, these runs are on hold until lockdown ends.

Thursday Club Intervals- Cancelled.

Obviously there won’t be an interval session this Thursday because of lockdown. I may ask Vicky for some suggestions anyway, we can still attempt them as individuals on quiet sections of road. Vicky, if you’re reading this perhaps a recommendation on facebook?

Group 5 Run

No real reason for mentioning the group 5 run from last week, just an excuse to share this very impressive photo with you all. Hopefully none of group 5 become all hairy and develop fangs when running under a full moon.


Westonbirt House Duathlon

Some great running, cycling and then running again by Alan Uren. Alan was competing in the organised by DB Max events on Saturday, made up up two 5k runs and and 20K cycle. Alan was 11th overall, well done. 

Halloween Night Run

A number of Westbury runners took part in a Halloween night run, running the Bristol and West Virtual Challenge route through Leigh Woods. Pictured below we have Antonia Gooder, Anneka Bull, Sandra Williams and Matt Mohan, not pictured Richard Hughes.

3000m Time Trial by Ellie Leather (reported by Jason Michael)

Ellie Leather has been back in America for a few months now, but like here there is very little action in terms of racing. This weekend she ran a time trial 3000m on the track, paced through the first 2k she was left on her own for the final 1000m. She still finished in a jaw dropping 9 min 28 sec, which is nearly a 40 sec pb, it would have also broken the Yate club record by 14 sec, and ranked her top 6 U23 in the UK for 2020. This is a huge break through in this event, one in which, until now she has never really got to grips with.

Strava Results of the Week

Well done to Ewan and Rhiannon Paton on their long run in the rain. They ran a section of the Bristol Bath cycle path collecting a few Strava segments on route. Ewan had a Personal Record on ‘Hampton Hill’ in a time of 1:47. Nobody from the club holds the crown but Oli Beale takes third in a time of 1:06.

Diary Dates

Saturday 21st November – Club Awards Night (virtually)

Sunday 3rd October 2021 Clarendon Marathon, Half Marathon, Mini and Relay.

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communciation@westburyharriers.co.uk
