Saturday 19th June
Westbury Harriers – Weekly News
Editor’s Piece
I’ve just returned from a short cycling break down in Devon as I’ve been working my way through the 100 Greatest Cycling Climbs (Porlock hill was a killer!). I was wondering if there’s an equivalent book for hills you can run up, if not perhaps I should write it? There are plenty of hills in the south west that I could include. Perhaps Bridge Valley Road, the hill up to Dundry or perhaps the worst, the steep and rocky climb from Cheddar could all be included? Any infamous hills you can suggest?
Memorial Run for Mary
On Monday 23rd August the club will be having a memorial run for Mary and we will be joined by Mary’s husband, daughters and a few friends. It will be a club charity run, commencing from Blaise and all proceeds will be going to St Peter’s Hospice, a very worth cause. The run can be booked on RunTogether and will be available nearer the time. There will also be a cake sale afterwards so do get those Great Bake-Off recipes at the ready!
Yate Track
Track Racing – Do you want to race on the track? Westbury Harriers members can have free membership for track and field through our partnership with Yate & District AC. All you need to do is to fill in an “Other Discipline Form”.
Go to England Athletics website – Managing Athlete Registrations – and click on Other Discipline Application form” .You will need to complete the form on paper (yes – in this digital age they still ask for a paper form !). It then needs to be signed by an official/ coach from Westbury Harriers and one from Yate AC and handed in / sent to Yate AC. You will then be able to compete in track and field competition for Yate AC.
You will need a Yate AC vest (a very striking green and yellow). You can then enter track and field competitions and your results will go on the Run Britain and Power of 10 websites. When entering track races give your club as Yate / Westbury.
Members can train on the track at Yate at members rates of £2 per session – payable to Yate AC (see Yate website for details).
Club Intervals- Only 90 Seconds
Vicky’s session this week is nice and straight forward to remember, just 10 x 90 seconds with 1 minute recover. We will then finish off with 6 x 20 second sprints.
Could I also ask if you’re unable to make the session after making your booking that you go into the Run Together site and cancel it? If you don’t it may mean somebody in the club will be unable to attend. It’s very easy to do, go into RunTogether and on the little person icon in the top right click on My Booked Runs. This will then bring up a list of runs and just cancel the run you’re unable to attend.
Club Intervals and Group 1
The interval sessions are open to all abilities but the club are especially keen to interest those faster runners who normally run in group 1. The session may be tailored for those runners, especially if they have specific races they are training for, although they may join us all for warm-ups and drills still.
Facebook 5km Relay
Quick recap below of the runners so far. Next up is Rosalind White, I’m looking forward to reading your running biography.
Runners so far include, Tamsin, Hannah McAlpine, Anne Lovell, Mark Andrews, Kate Wills, Jenny Godden, Ewan Cameron, Clair Cusack, Linda Phillips, Marilyn Palmer, Jane Derham, Alex Hamblin, Ben Rawlins, Mike Mewse, Anthony Glover, Dan Summers, Scott Campbell, Chris Palmer, Vicky Tester, Rhi Paton, Robyn Ellis, Dara Goodluck, Jayne Pemble, Kate Howard, Rosie Hamilton-James, Emily Whitaker, Ewan Paton, Richard Hughes, Sandra Sforza, Ken Lovell, Anneke Bull, Colin Johnson, Chris Beck, Trish Robson, Izzy Povey, Robin Phillips, Carol Fee , Eithne Noonan , Kay Ridgwell, Tim Carr, Paul Gladding, Fiona Leahy Lithander, Carolyn Dent ,Sarah Andrews, Elaine Barley, Liz Lovelock, Steve Emery , Alistair Blackwood, Gary Dickens, Svetlana Jones, Abi Hall and Dawni Stygall, Emma Rossiter, Rhona Beynon, Caroline Bull, Mike Hurst, Laura Pankhurst, Louise Pretty, Geraint Torrington and James Bardwell.
Training and Club Runs
Just a brief reminder that most club training is still booked via the Runtogether website and app. A link to the site with all next weeks club training is below. Occasionally there are informal runs and these may be published via facebook instead.
Saturday Water Tower Runs
If you have some time on your hands now the EA30 is complete, how about a Saturday morning water tower run instead? These runs meet up every Saturday morning at 9:00 from the water tower on the Downs. Sometimes there are a choice of different routes and milage but they are always off-road and at a nice relaxed pace. No need to book, just turn up on the day and we sort out the groups as people arrive.
Westbury Wipeout Co-Volunteer
Lots of lovely Marshals are needed for the 2021 Westbury Wipeout on Monday 5th July at Blaise castle estate. Marshals will need to arrive by 6:30pm (for section 2) or 6:45pm (for sections 1 and 3 and other roles), to be in position before the race starts at 7:15pm. We need as many marshals as possible! At least 45 of you lovely Westbury Harriers, family and friends welcome!
Roles are: Tail runner, Embedded runners (two or three), Warm up/start
Chief marshals for sections 1, 2, and 3 – you will organise and position marshals for these sections of the course. At least 9 marshals for section 1, 12 marshals for section 2, 12 marshals for section 3. Registration/lost children (from 6:00pm – at least 2). Runner clean-up team at the finish ( at least 2). Finish coordinator, First aid coordinator
To volunteer, please send your details to or reply to the facebook message. Please state if you have a preferred role. Many thanks, looking forward to a fun event!
Well done to Colin Johnson, who was guiding Chris Blackabee, at the Cheltenham half marathon.
Also some impressive running by Alex Hamblin, Becky Lee and Scott Campbell at last week’s Cheddar Gorge trail half marathon. Steve Emery was brave enough to do the full marathon route which must have been especially tough in the heat.
If you’ve run an event over the weekend and not been mentioned here then do let me know.
Strava Segment of the Week
Well done to Simon Madigan’s early morning 19K progression run. Simon’s route was big loop from WoT all the way into the centre of Bristol and back with a Personal Record achieved. This was on strata segment ‘Whiteladies bottom to Aberdeen Rd’ in a time of 2 minutes
Diary Dates
Thursday 24th June. Club Supper at the Black Swan- fully booked
Sunday 27th June Lacock Road Races 5km, 10km and Half Marathon.
Saturday 3rd July Cotswold Relay
Monday 5th July Westbury Wipeout.
Wednesday 7th July 19:30: Bitton Road Runners 5k Series Race 1. We are pleased to announce that the 5K series will return this year for a 3 race series.
All races start at 19:30 from Bitton Railway Station. Entries will open for the first race on 21st June and will be made online through Race Nation capped at 95 runners. Other dates include 7th July, 4th Aug, 1st Sept.
Wednesday 28th July, 25th August and 29th September: Bristol and West SW PB 5k Series.
Monday 23rd August. Memorial run for St Peter’s Hospice
Sunday 29th August Severn Bridge 10k and Half.
Sunday 12th September Wye Valley Tunnel Run 5 and 10km.
Editor this Week
Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via