Monday 3rd May
Westbury Harriers – Weekly News
Editor’s Piece
As Nessa would say, “ Oh, what’s occurring?”. With a few more events taking place don’t forget to let me know if you, a friend or family member has recently competed in a time trail, race or virtual challenge. This is your newsletter and I’m more than happy to to provide announcements. Let me know the name of the event, when it took place and what it was like, ideally with some photo’s and you can be sure you’ll get the mention you deserve.
Bristol and West SW PB 5k Series
The series takes place at Odd Down cycle circuit in Bath, a great event if you’re looking for a 5k personal best. The race on the 30th June has already sold out but the races between July to September have yet to open for entries. Details below:
Wednesday 30th June: SOLD OUT
Wednesday 28th July: (entries open 23rd May)
Wednesday 25th August (entries open 25th June)
Wednesday 29 September (entires open 29th July)
Mary’s Funeral
Mary Fullerton’s funeral is being live streamed from Clifton Cathedral from midday on Wednesday 5th May. The link to the live-streaming website is below.
On the day of the funeral a small group of the club, with support from the Fullerton family will be running to stand outside in Westbury Harrier club kit to say goodbye. If people would like to do this then please message Tamsin for the arrangements. She can be contacted via facebook messenger or e-mail ‘‘.
Club Intervals-1 and 2 Minutes
A nice easy one to programme into the watches this week. Vicky has suggested 4 x 1 minutes (30 Second) receiver), 4 x 2 minute (1 minute recover), 4 x 1 minute (30 second recover). 90 seconds recover between the 1 minute and 2 minute blocks. It’s back to the six 20 second sprints at the end.
And do remember, start time is 7pm from this week onwards to avoid us clashing with the youngsters.
Facebook 5km Relay
Quick recap below of the runners so far. I’m looking forward to Emma’s run next.
Runners so far include, Tamsin, Hannah McAlpine, Anne Lovell, Mark Andrews, Kate Wills, Jenny Godden, Ewan Cameron, Clair Cusack, Linda Phillips, Marilyn Palmer, Jane Derham, Alex Hamblin, Ben Rawlins, Mike Mewse, Anthony Glover, Dan Summers, Scott Campbell, Chris Palmer, Vicky Tester, Rhi Paton, Robyn Ellis, Dara Goodluck, Jayne Pemble, Kate Howard, Rosie Hamilton-James, Emily Whitaker, Ewan Paton, Richard Hughes, Sandra Sforza, Ken Lovell, Anneke Bull, Colin Johnson, Chris Beck, Trish Robson, Izzy Povey, Robin Phillips, Carol Fee , Eithne Noonan , Kay Ridgwell, Tim Carr, Paul Gladding, Fiona Leahy Lithander, Carolyn Dent ,Sarah Andrews, Elaine Barley, Liz Lovelock, Steve Emery , Alistair Blackwood, Gary Dickens, Svetlana Jones, Abi Hall and Dawni Stygall. Next up is Emma Rossiter.
Steve’s Massive Miles April Challenge
Steve Emery, along with his colleagues from the Tropical Marine Centre have been running as many miles as possible throughout the month of April for Prostate Cancer UK. Prostate cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK, killing one man every 45 minutes.
Overall 963 miles were run with Steve topping the leaderboard with just over 200 miles run in the month, second place was his colleague Darryl in 174 miles. It was a team effort though with 10 of his colleagues all achieving 50 miles, or greater.
If you would like to donate to this worthy cause please use the link below and click on the Give Now button.
The Relish Run in Bath took place over the holiday weekend with some Westbury runners enjoying the running in the sunshine. Unfortunately, due to Covid rules no tunnels involved this year but netherless lot’s of fantastic scenery to enjoy. Pictured below with have Lucy, Linda and Carol.
Westbury Harriers Track Meet No. 2 Results
Another great night at the Jefferies Arena, with three well-contested races. There were wins for the youngsters : Freddie Cooper (1500m) Kate Howard (1 Mile) : Jack Derrick (3000m) but a host of top class age category performances. Many Thanks to our great team of officials – Alex Miller, Chris Palmer, Neil Miller, Robin Phillips and Geraint Torrington (cycle video recorder).
1500 metres
Freddie Cooper U17 4.18.93, Alan Uren V35 4.24.77, Oli Beale V40 4.25.15, Tom Reed U20 4.27.39, Alastair Blackwood SM 5.18.76, Tamsin Chick FV40 5.28.40, Alison Rogers FV45 5.41.33, Andy Yuill V55 5.49.49, David George V65 6.06.11, Emma-Jane Orchard FV45 6.43.05
1 Mile Challenge
Kate Howard U17 5.18.78, Rhiannon Paton U20 5.22.72, Hannah Batchelor SL 6.23.91, Mark Andrews V55 6.26.12, Sarah Andrews FV50 6.27.64, Sandy Masters FV60 6.30.40, Heidi Andrews FV45 6.50.35, Michelle Bower FV45 6.50.98, Ann Lovell FV65 8.39.62, Linda Phillips FV45 9.06.44
3000 metres
Jack Derrick U23 10.07.69, Brendan Stern SM 10.18.74, Scott Campbell V40 10.19.42, Ewan Paton V50 10.42.63, Richard Noble V50 11.09.48, Ian Gawinowski V40 11.10.10, Vicky Tester FV40 11.31.20, Ian Derrick V50 12.32.71, Alex Miller V45 12.42.78, Richard Hughes V60 13.26.37, Antonia Gooder FV55 13.29.30, Kate Hoffen FV45 13.40.80, Nicola Derrick FV50 15.21.05
Strava Segment of the Week
Impressive running by our EA30 coach, Valerie Hughes. Valerie was exploring the coast and town of Minehead this weekend and on her morning run took 3rd place overall on Strava segment ‘Parkhouse to Bratton Lane’ in a time of 7:26. I’ll be heading that way myself for a holiday in June, perhaps I’ll have a crack at it myself?
Diary Dates
May 2021 England Athletics Weekly 30 Run challenge. Run for 30 minutes over the weekend, it’s that simple.
Sunday 27th June Lacock Road Races 5km, 10km and Half Marathon.
Wednesday 28th July, 25th August and 29th September: Bristol and West SW PB 5k Series,
Sunday 12th September Wye Valley Tunnel Run 5 and 10km.
Editor this Week
Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via