Weekly News

Well done to all the Westbury Harriers competing in the Bristol Half Marathon yesterday. Hopefully you all enjoyed yourself and perhaps even a few PB’s amongst you?  There are a lot more photos of WH runners on Facebook, so do have a look. Don’t forget, this was also a club championship event so do make a note of your time and position.

Club championship results lead to points and the chance of winning club champ prizes! To be included in the championship you will need to add your results to the Westbury Harriers website (westburyharriers.com). Log in, then under Races/add races select -Manage your own results, then there is a button to click, this will enable you to add race result.

This coming Thursday the efforts session is a ‘Long to Short Ramp Down’. This will involve 5m/4m/3m/2m/1m/30s with a 60 second recovery (subject to weather and use of field).

The club is always looking for volunteers to lead Monday night runs. Speak to Victoria Sloan or Chris O’Donavan (coaching coordinators) if you are interested in becoming a group leader. The course only takes one day and is paid for by the club.

The Keynsham 10K Team are looking for volunteers to assist in marshalling the route. The marshals are needed from 8:45am until midday and will received a full briefing on the day. All proceeds from the 10K go to the Bristol charity Empire Fighting Chance. If you’re not running and interested in helping e-mail sophie@empirefightingchance.org

An informal Saturday morning (9am) run takes place each week starting from the Water Tower on The Downs (very occasionally an alternative meeting point is arranged, just check Facebook before hand). There are normally two groups, short and long and the running is very relaxed, with a chance to have a chat within the group. The best bit is the coffee and cake afterwards, for some the only reason for turning up!


Saturday 29th September – Green Man Ultra.

Sunday 30th September – Forest of Dean Autumn Half Marathon

Friday 5th October – 19:00 Runfest, focusing on nourishment and winter fuelling. More details on Facebook and the eventbrite.co.uk website.

6-7th October Colin’s coast path. St Brides to St David’s.

Sunday 14th October – Mendip Muddle. 

19th-21st October Introduction to Trail Running by Dan Summers. Limited availability. adventure-awaits.co.uk

Up coming club championship events

Sunday 7th October Keynsham 10K

Sunday 13th October – 1st Gwent League, Cardiff. 

Sunday 28th October Nightingale Nightmare 10K (fully booked- waiting list only)
