Weekly News

The efforts session this week is a ‘10X Steady’. This will involve ten 90 second sessions with 60 second recoveries, with alternative direction and start from last stopping point (subject to use of field and weather).

Some kit has been left from previous sessions, including: blue running jacket, black cap and running light. Mike Hopkins is away this week but it can be collected the following week.

Just a reminder that the cost of each Monday and Thursday night session is £1 per person. That is one pound sterling, please save any Euros, Dollars, Yen etc for your next holiday, please don’t place them in the collection tubs.

Well done to Colin Johnson for his England Athletics Volunteer Award 2018. He accepted this award on behalf of the Visually Impaired (VI) runners group. Colin pictured with Chris Blackabee and Jo Pavey (5 time olympian).

A massive congratulations to all the runners in the Green Man Ultra Challenge on Saturday. From Westbury we were represented by Sarah and Mark Andrews, Stef Pasco, Chris Lowe and Ian Smith.  At over 47 miles this is a heroic achievement. To quote from Mark, ‘Wow what an amazing day! Sarah, Stef and myself have completed the Ultra and even did an extra mile when we got lost a couple of times! The weather was perfect and the route is challenging but so scenic. I was so lucky to have such brilliant and positive company to run with. Thanks so much Sarah and Stef, I wouldn’t have made it round without you! Stef came prepared with 46 jokes, facts and motivational quotes one for each mile! We all forgot how steep the climb was up to Dundry as we guessed how many words the Scottish have for snow! (The answer is 421 by the way!)’

Westbury Harrier, Dan Summers is offering a variety of courses and training for runners. These include night running, using poles, navigation, hill technique and race preparation to name just a few. If interested take a look at his new website, www.dansummersrunning.co.uk


Friday 5th October – 19:00 Runfest, focusing on nourishment and winter fuelling. More details on Facebook and the eventbrite.co.uk website.

6-7th October Colin’s coast path. St Brides to St David’s.

Sunday 14th October – Mendip Muddle. 

19th-21st October Introduction to Trail Running by Dan Summers. Limited availability. adventure-awaits.co.uk

Sunday 2nd December Shire Santa Dash 2018. Family friendly 5KM walk/run plus the Elf Sprint. 


Up coming club championships

Sunday 7th October Keynsham 10K

Sunday 13th October – 1st Gwent League (held in conjunction with Cardiff Cross Challenge), Cardiff.

Sunday 28th October Nightingale Nightmare 10K (fully booked- waiting list only)

Wednesday 7th November Severn Bridge 5k Night Race. Now sold out.

Saturday 10th November Gwent League, Pembrey Park
