Westbury Harriers Weekly News

Saturday 26th February

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editors Piece

This week I shall mostly be eating….beetroot!

I’ve very much into marginal gains and looking for anything that will help shave off some extra seconds at the next road race. I’ve already bought the fancy shoes so what else can I do?

I’ve been reading about nutrition and eating healthily and avoiding sugary snacks is obvious, so no more mid-morning Tunnock Teacakes for me! But what I have found interesting is apparently the ingredients in things like rhubarb and beetroot, which are called nitrates, can boost a runners performance. 

There’s a suggestion they may help oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and improve lactate threshold and running efficiency. Now, apparently you would need to eat an awful lot of rhubarb and beetroot to have any impact, but you can take concentrated beetroot juice instead. I’ve bought some from my heath food shop and tried some already, it’s disgusting stuff but I managed to keep it down. I’m therefore going to be loading up on the stuff a few days before my next half marathon. If you see me on the start line with a purplish glow, you’ll know why!

Gwent Cross-Country League at Blaise Castle

Saturday 19th February – the day the Gwent League came back to Blaise Castle after a two year gap – with real cross country weather!

It was a really successful day so it’s nice to acknowledge all the hard work from Westbury Harriers and Gwent League members. Well done especially to Dr Neil Miller, the Race Director. Neil worked tirelessly on behalf of Westbury Harriers and The Gwent League to organise the event. He made the brave decision, to go ahead with the meeting, despite the high winds, then directed the race and spent Sunday processing all the results – and was still back coaching on Monday night.

Kay Ridgwell did a super job as Volunteer Coordinator, enlisting a great team. Kay was there at the very beginning and at the very end of the day ( and even cleaned the loos and scrubbed the floor on Monday morning !).

The Bailey-Gards – Sandra and Jullian (Snr),  and the Palmers – Dave and Marilyn laid out the course – putting out the 600 posts and several kilometres of tape.

Geraint Torrington, who, like Neil, combines roles with Westbury Harriers and The Gwent League, was again in fine form as announcer – his mellifluous tones drifting across Blaise Castle. The “Terrific Trio” – Louise Pretty, Gill Anagnostakis and Eithne Noonan stepped into the breach to take on important jobs at short notice – Gill and Louise doing the registrations and Eithne supervising car parking. Senior Team Managers Tamsin Chick and Scott Campbell did a great job with a combined turnout of 80 senior runners.

There were so many others involved –  too many to mention here (but Kay does have a spreadsheet with everyone’s names !) and a big Thank You to the “clean up team” – who put away the 600 posts and cleaned up the pavilion on Monday.

It was indeed a proud day for the club – a great turn out of runners of all ages and a great turn out of volunteers – all contributing in their own way, to a day of high class cross-country racing.

Many of our colleagues at other Gwent League clubs passed on their thanks to the club for a well-organised and enjoyable event.

So … Well Done to everyone !  Looking forward to the next event in Swansea on 19th March.

Photos – Geraint and Neil,  Kay (calling up more volunteers !) and report by Mike Mewse

Yate Track Session

This week it’s something a little bit new in the form of an ascending running ladder.

As normal the session will start with dynamic stretches followed by three social laps. 

Then the intervals themselves starting with: 400 meters (1 lap), 800 meters (2 laps), 1,200 meters (3 laps), 1,600 meters (4 laps)  with 400m recoveries in-between each interval. 

Finally, two cool down laps and some stretches.

I’ve also got a reminder that track fees are due for the month of February. That’s £2 per session made payable to Yate and District AC 09-01-51,  A/c No. 68948303, and put your surname in the reference.

For the Thursday we’re back out on the road to do some hills. Don’t forget to wear your road shoes and fluorescent clothing.

Member of the Month Nominations

The committee will be meeting next Friday and that can mean only one thing….. MEMBER OF THE MONTH NOMINATION TIME! If you have a nomination please email member.of.the.month@westburyharriers.co.uk.

Westbury Harriers Twitter

If you not up in time to hear Tweet of the Day on Radio 4 you’ve could always take a look at a different type of tweet by following the Westbury Harriers Twitter account. Chris Palmer is updating the account regularly with all sorts of running topics.


Strava Segment of the Week

Well done to Andrew Yuill for recording 14 Strava achievements at the Nationals Cross Country at Parliament Hill today. Some of his more memorable personal records include Strava Segment, Death wall in 1:27 and National xc mudfest down, across, up in 3:37

Diary Dates

Saturday 19th March Gwent League Cross Country, Singleton Park, Swansea

Saturday 19th March 20 & 1/2 Fission ,fast flat 20 miler starting at Berkeley Power Station. Half marathon option too. Now in its 7th year, this event has sold out every year. 

Sunday 20th March Forest of Dean Spring Half Marathon. https://www.rotary-rfod.org.uk/events.php

Sunday 3rd April at 6:45pm Annual General Meeting via Zoom

Saturday 9th April Family festival of running.  Active soul are holding at Pomphrey hill- It would be awesome to see some members of the club and their families at this event. https://wishy.org.uk/runforfun

Sunday 17th April The Hanham Horror, by Bitton Road Runners.

Saturday 23rd April Bristol Track Club 5k Odd Down Cycle Circuit, Bath

Sunday 24th April Frenchay 10k. This race starts and finishes on the UWE Glenside Campus (Top left photo), Blackberry Hill, Fishponds, Bristol

The course is scenic and undulating and comprises of a circuit of the grounds followed by the exit onto Blackberry Hill. http://frenchay10k.co.uk/index.htm

Saturday 7th May. Provisional date for Annual Awards Night. Venue TBC

Friday 20th May Race 1 Towpath Series (including Mob Match)

Sunday 29th May Bath Half Marathon 

Monday 30th May Hogweed Trot 10k 19:00 Yate. https://tinyurl.com/yckkn3wu

Monday 6th June The Westbury Harriers Blaise Blazer multi-terrain race.

Saturday and Sunday 11 and 12 June. Cheddar Challenge by Relish Running

Friday 17th June Race 2 Towpath Series

Sunday 26th June. Lacock Road Races, Half and 10k by Relish Running.

Saturday 2nd July Cotswold Way relay. 10 stage trail relay event.

Thursday 7th July Tintern Trot, 10k trail run along the Wye Valley. Group discount if we have more than 10 interested.

Friday 22nd July Race 3 Towpath Series

Saturday 30th July Magor 10K, fast, flat and furious.

Friday 19th August Race 4 (5K) Towpath Series

Saturday 17th September Relish Running Cheddar Gorge Downhill 10K. https://tinyurl.com/2p9yrsvk

Saturday 24th September, Uphill to Wells Relay. An off-road relay race starting at Uphill beach and finishing at Wells Cathedral. The route is 90% off-road and follows the West Mendip Way along footpaths and bridleways. The race is a ‘hand-over’ relay, run without marshals, water stations or other assistance. Teams are responsible for their own safety and for researching the route although their progress will be monitored at check-points at the end of every leg. https://www.uphilltowells.com/default.aspx

Sunday 25th September Great Bristol Run 10k and Half. https://www.greatrun.org/events/great-bristol-run/

Sunday 25th September Forest of Dean Autumn Half Marathon. https://www.rotary-rfod.org.uk/events.php

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
