Weekly News: Saturday 20th August

Saturday 20th August

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editors Piece

Yesterday evening I ran the final race in the GWR towpath series and I can’t believe it’s all over so soon. It only seems like five minutes ago I was racing the Mob Match back in May, where has the summer gone. Even all the trees think it’s autumn already.

Another sign that winter is coming is the start of the Weston Prom series with the first race only a month away. At the moment the skies are blue, but come the first Prom the wind will be howling and whipping up the sand from the beach below.

Then we’re truly in winter once the Gwent League Cross Country League races commence. The first race is combined with the Cardiff Cross Challenge on Saturday 15th October, but who knows, perhaps we will be lucky with the weather again like last year?

Tuesday and Thursday Intervals 

Yate track and Coombe Dingle Intervals will be posted on facebook nearer the time.

Weston Prom Run Series 22/23 by Weston Athletic Club

The Weston Prom Run 2022/23 series is now open for entry and I’ve added the dates of the first few runs to the events section below. In all there are 9 races with the first race of the series on Thursday 15th September and the last on Thursday 25th May.

The 5 mile course is an exact 2 lap circuit of the Weston promenade. Race HQ is at the Bay Cafe in the Tropicana, Marine Parade, Weston super Mare. Races start at 7:30pm and runners can enter the complete race series or just individual races. 

Further details are in the link below. https://westonac.co.uk/weston-prom-run/

Eastville Parkrun/Social Saturday 20th August

Mark and a few of the Saturday Water-tower runners enjoyed a change to the usual Saturday morning routine. Mark says ‘it was lovely to see lots of Westbury Harriers out on a lovely sunny morning’.

Congratulations to Ewan Cameron on completing his 50th Eastville Parkrun, and to Jenny Godden who was over at Ashton Court completing her 100th park run!

Coffee, cake and archery at the pop up cafe was fun afterwards!

Club Charity Hash, Monday 22nd August

This coming Monday is our annual charity club run starting from 7pm at the club house at Blaise Castle. This is a fun, social run for all club members, juniors and seniors alike so all are welcome. 

There will be a cake sale afterwards so please bring cake donations, either homemade or bought, we really don’t mind. Please also wear your club vest/kit as there will be a team photo before we all set off. 

Gate money collected on the night via RunTogether for seniors and subs for juniors along with cash donations from the cake sale will be donated to this years charity, Southmead Hospital Charity.

Neil Miller is very kindly organising the Hash and has provided some instructions in the link below but everything will be explained on the night too. If you have done it before there are two differences this year: (a) marking will be with powdered chalk (which shows up better on brown grass than sawdust!); and (b) there will be 4 batons to be found (3 hanging obviously around the route, the last to be searched for as before). The pack must collect them all before the cake sale can start! WHH_Instructions_2022

The route is tortuous, but there are lots of short-cuts for the more sociable participants to catch up with the leader.

Neil has also requested some help laying the trail so would be very grateful if a few could meet him at the club house for 4:30pm for a ‘trot’ around the course laying trails.

Adults please book on via RunTogether – one run for all the groups. Link below:  https://tinyurl.com/5n9696rk

Welsh Track and Field Championships, Newport, Wales

Well done to both Rhiannon Paton (pictured on the left) and Elen Ruck (on the right) who were competing in the Welsh Champs. Elen achieved a bronze medal and PB in the under 17’s 1500m with a time of 4:58:84. Welsh junior champion was also competing and won the under 20 women’s 1500m race with a time of 4:56:35. Well done to you both.

Next Club Championship Event

The next event is the Oldbury 10 miler hosted by Thornbury Running Club on Sunday 18th September.

10 miles is a classic distance and perfect for anyone stepping up from 10k (6.2 miles) or preparing for a half marathon. The accurately measured flat and fast course is a figure of 8 on quiet lanes on the outskirts of Thornbury. The course is a 2-mile clockwise loop, then a 6-mile anti-clockwise loop, plus 1 mile out and back.

This year they have a runner from Kenya joining the action and he is planning an attempt on the 12 year old course record. https://www.thornburyrunningclub.co.uk/trc-races/oldbury-power-10-miler/

After Oldbury we are back on the trails for the Mendip Muddle on Sunday 16th October. This is a tough race and if the weather is bad can be particularly challenging, the scenery though is fantastic. https://westonac.co.uk/mendip-muddle/

Group 3 Club Run

Lat Monday evening group 3 had a bit of an explore and discovered a den in the woods and Trish even found a left over joint. I hope she realises that this Monday evening the Charity Hash has nothing to do with wacky baccy!

Strava Segment of the Week

Well done to Vicky Tester competing at the National Athletics League at Yate track this afternoon. Vicky achieved two Strava segment PR’s including YOSC 400m lap in 1:16 and proving she has a quick finish with another PR for segment YOSC 800m in 2:39

Diary Dates

Sunday 21st August Avon Track and Field League, Yate

Sunday 21st August Two Tunnels , Relish Running Races

Monday 22nd August Westbury Harriers Charity Run

Sunday 28th August Avon Road Relays Cleeve

Sunday 28th August Severn Bridge 10k and Half Marathon

Wednesday 31st August South West PB Series at Odd Down Bath, final race in the series will include pacers to help runners achieve their PB goals!

Sunday 4th September, Bridgwater Half Marathon

Sunday 11th September Wells Festival of Running. http://www.wellscityharriers.co.uk/wells

Sunday 11th September Avon Track and Field League, Yate

Sunday 11th September Beat the Bore 

Thursday 15th September Weston Prom Race 1 5 miler, by Weston AC

Saturday 17th September, Relish Running Cheddar Gorge Downhill 10K. https://tinyurl.com/2p9yrsvk

Sunday 18th September Chippenham Half Marathon

Sunday 18th September Oldbury Power 10 miler (new club championship event, replaces Beat the Bore). A classic distance over a flat and fast course. This year they have a Kenyan runner attempting to break the 12 year old course record!

Saturday 24th September, Uphill to Wells Relay. An off-road relay race starting at Uphill beach and finishing at Wells Cathedral. The route is 90% off-road and follows the West Mendip Way along footpaths and bridleways. The race is a ‘hand-over’ relay, run without marshals, water stations or other assistance. Teams are responsible for their own safety and for researching the route although their progress will be monitored at check-points at the end of every leg. https://www.uphilltowells.com/default.aspx

Saturday 24th September Midland Counties Road Relays at Sutton Park 

Sunday 25th September Great Bristol Run 10k and Half. https://www.greatrun.org/events/great-bristol-run/

Thursday 6th October Weston Prom Race 2 by Weston AC

Sunday 9th October Keynsham Dandy. About 12.5 miles, starting in Keynsham and including a welcome revival of the Compton Dando route, complete with stream!

Saturday 15th October Cardiff Cross Challenge and first Gwent League race

Sunday 16th October Bath Half Marathon

Sunday 16th October Mendip Muddle (Club Championship) 

Sunday 30th October Nightingale Nightmare by Southville Running Club

Sunday 27th November Chepstow Racecourse Half Marathon (Club Championship) 

Saturday 12th November Gwent League Cross Country Blaise Castle

Sunday 13th November Sodbury Slog (10 miler trail event)

Thursday 17th November Weston Prom Race 3 by Weston AC

Sunday 27 November AVR Wiltshire Half Marathon (10 year Anniversary Special!) BA13 4NT. http://www.avrwiltshirehalfmarathon.org

Thursday 15th December Weston Prom Race 4 by Weston AC

Sunday 5th February Doynton Hard Half, a horrible cross country hosted by Emersons Green Running Club

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
