Weekly News – Saturday 17th September

Saturday 17th September

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editors Piece

Next weekend’s going to be busy! Not only do we have the Midland Road Relays taking place at Sutton Park but the very same weekend we have the Bristol 10K and Half Marathon. Then, up at Yate we also have the last Avon Track and Field event of the year. 

I’ll be missing out on all this because I’ve signed up for the Winchester Half Marathon. They describe it as the ‘Hilly Half’ so they’re not even attempting to hide the fact the course has a few undulations. I’ve already given up on any expectations of a PB!

Tuesday and Thursday Intervals 

See facebook for details.

Club Supper Returns – Monday 10th October

Would you like to enjoy another club supper, well you’re in luck because it’s back for October! This time on a Monday evening after our group runs from Coombe Dingle. The date for your diaries is Monday 10th October with the plan to sit down and eat for 8:15pm.

We have the option of a meat or vegetable curry and trimmings on offer at £8 per head. Venue is the The BLACK SWAN, Stoke Lane. You know the routine by now. If you would like to eat please say “yes” to Lou’s facebook posting dated Friday 16th September or let me know by e-mail. Numbers need to be known by 6th October for the booking to be made. 

Avon Track and Field Match Saturday 24th September

Following the very sad news of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II a decision was made to cancel last weekends Avon League Meeting that was due to be held at Gloucester.

It has now been rescheduled for next Saturday and there are still places available in the 1500m, 400m, 100m, plus jump and throws events for both the seniors and juniors. Even better the event is now planned to take place at Yate Outdoor Sports Complex, so only just up the road.

If your a senior and interested in taking part please e-mail Vicky at senior.track.manager@westburyharriers.co.uk. 

Great Bristol Run Half Marathon and 10k- Sunday 25th September 

Next Sunday we have the Bristol 10k and Half Marathon taking place and I can guarantee there will be plenty of members from the club taking part.

This year the half is part of the club championship series and that will be an added incentive to get some quick times and get ahead of fellow Westbury club mates as championship points will be at stake.

A few of you will also be running the 10k and you may even be looking to achieve a personal best on what is a very flat and fast course. For example Sam Harvey, who runs with the juniors, has been putting in some series training with a plethora of Strava PB’s from 1 mile up to 10k which bodes well for his first 10k race.

If you’re not running Sunday then please make the effort to head to the course and cheer on the Westbury gang. Do look out for the Westbury vest (and if you are running make sure you wear it) and give them all a massive shout of encouragement as they run past. Good luck to you all.

Shelia Crump Volunteer Award 

Congratulations to Neil Miller for being awarded the Shelia Crump volunteer trophy by the Gwent League committee for all the effort and contributions he’s made to the Gwent Cross Country League. This is very much deserved and recognises many years of support to the League.

No Formal Monday Evening Training Next Monday 19th Sept

Due to the bank holiday and Queen’s funeral there won’t be any formal training for all groups (Academy/Juniors/Seniors) this Monday 19th September.

Weston Prom 5 mile race

Last Thursday evening we had the first Weston Prom race in the series. Well done to both Artie Swain (first place) and Finn Goodhew who both had good races, with Finn telling me he was very pleased to get 3rd place on a windy course. 

PS It’s a long shot, but if anybody picked up a blue Westbury hoodie that evening please let me know and I’ll return it to its rightful owner.

Christmas Cracker  – Sunday 4th December

At the time of writing there are only 98 days, 6 hours and 41 minutes until Christmas and already one of the obscure satellite channels on my Humax player is showing Christmas films 24/7!

It also means Weston AC are taking entries for this year Weston-super-Mare Christmas Cracker scheduled for Sunday 4th December. This will be the 34th event and it promises to be a fun-filled festive event welcoming runners of all abilities. Plus it’s also a Club Championship event with precious points at stake.

For more details and to enter use the link below. https://westonac.co.uk/christmas-cracker/

Loss of Dave Perkins 

It is with great sadness I report the death of Dave Perkins, a lifelong member and Club President of Westbury Harriers.

Dave was a lovely, generous guy and true friend of the club. As such he deserves a separate article, something I’ll prepare for a later date. If you have any stories, interesting anecdotes or personal experience about Dave  to share then please e-mail me.

Gwent Cross Country League Provisional Dates

I’ve just added the dates for this season’s Gwent Cross Country League. Some of the dates and locations are still to be determined but I will let you know the details once available.

Club Kit

If anyone needs a club vest or crop top for the Bristol 10km/half or other upcoming race, please get in touch with Katie Hughes (or e-mail me and I’ll pass details on). You’ll never miss a team photo again and get far more cheers wearing a club vest, which really helps you get round.

Strava Segment of the Week

Well done to Ruth Ruck who achieved a Strava best estimated 2 mile effort while running the Ashton Court Parkrun. I’m guessing that was on the downhill stretch!

Diary Dates

Sunday 18th September Chippenham Half Marathon

Sunday 18th September Oldbury Power 10 miler (new club championship event, replaces Beat the Bore). A classic distance over a flat and fast course. This year they have a Kenyan runner attempting to break the 12 year old course record!

Sunday 18th September 10k Wotton Lions, a multi terrain event in the Cotswolds

Saturday 24th September, Uphill to Wells Relay. An off-road relay race starting at Uphill beach and finishing at Wells Cathedral. The route is 90% off-road and follows the West Mendip Way along footpaths and bridleways. The race is a ‘hand-over’ relay, run without marshals, water stations or other assistance. Teams are responsible for their own safety and for researching the route although their progress will be monitored at check-points at the end of every leg. https://www.uphilltowells.com/default.aspx

Saturday 24th September Midland Counties Road Relays at Sutton Park 

Sunday 25th September Great Bristol Run 10k and Half. https://www.greatrun.org/events/great-bristol-run/

Thursday 6th October Weston Prom Race 2 by Weston AC

Sunday 9th October Keynsham Dandy. About 12.5 miles, starting in Keynsham and including a welcome revival of the Compton Dando route, complete with stream!

Saturday 15th October Cardiff Cross Challenge and first Gwent League race

Sunday 16th October Bath Half Marathon

Sunday 16th October Mendip Muddle (Club Championship) 

Sunday 30th October Nightingale Nightmare by Southville Running Club

Sunday 27th November Chepstow Racecourse Half Marathon (Club Championship) 

Saturday 12th November Gwent League Cross Country Blaise Castle

Sunday 13th November Sodbury Slog (10 miler trail event)

Thursday 17th November Weston Prom Race 3 by Weston AC

Sunday 27 November AVR Wiltshire Half Marathon (10 year Anniversary Special!) BA13 4NT. http://www.avrwiltshirehalfmarathon.org

Saturday 3rd December Gwent League Pembrey

Sunday 4th December Weston Christmas Cracker (and Club Championship event)

Thursday 15th December Weston Prom Race 4 by Weston AC

Sunday 5th February Doynton Hard Half, a horrible cross country hosted by Emersons Green Running Club

Saturday 11th or Sunday 12th February Gwent League TBD

Saturday 4th or Sunday 4th March Gwent League TBD

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
