Saturday 17th April
Westbury Harriers – Weekly News
Editor’s Piece
Nice to see some competitive events taking place. Last week we had the Castle Coombe Chilly 10k with Alex Hamblin achieving a PB, great running Alex. They also held the Duathlon that day and we had fantastic performances by club members Ben Rawlins and Catherine Andrews. Friday night was the Severn Bridge 5 miler, and what a great evening it was for it. This was one of the few occasion’s when the sun was shinning and the wind was not blowing a hoolie! Let’s hope there are more events to come.
Severn Bridge 5 Mile Night Race
While some of us were relaxing in front on the telly a few Westbury runners were taking up slight more energetic pursuits on the Friday evening. This is because they were running across the Severn bridge as part of the 5 mile night race series. Social distancing meant this was done as a time trail with runners being set off at regular intervals.
Both the men and women came third in the team results. Representing the men the first three were Robin Phillips, Richard Hughes and Ewan Cameron with a collective time of 01:59:22. Representing the women were Sandra Williams, Helen Sawyer and Carolyn Dent with a total time of 02:01:03. Pictured below are just some of the Westbury runners crossing the bridge. Well done to everybody that took part.
Club Intervals- 2 Minutes are Enough!
It was a hard session last week and the 20 second sprints at the end almost finished me off for good. This week Vicky suggests 8 x 2 minutes with 1 minute recovery, and then six of the 20 second sprints again. So save a little energy for them and don’t forget to warm up, warm down and stretch afterwards.
Facebook 5km Relay
Up to leg 48 with Alistair Blackwood as the next runner. Well done to Steve Emery on his very hilly leg 47.
Runners so far include, Tamsin, Hannah McAlpine, Anne Lovell, Mark Andrews, Kate Wills, Jenny Godden, Ewan Cameron, Clair Cusack, Linda Phillips, Marilyn Palmer, Jane Derham, Alex Hamblin, Ben Rawlins, Mike Mewse, Anthony Glover, Dan Summers, Scott Campbell, Chris Palmer, Vicky Tester, Rhi Paton, Robyn Ellis, Dara Goodluck, Jayne Pemble, Kate Howard, Rosie Hamilton-James, Emily Whitaker, Ewan Paton, Richard Hughes, Sandra Sforza, Ken Lovell, Anneke Bull, Colin Johnson, Chris Beck, Trish Robson, Izzy Povey, Robin Phillips, Carol Fee , Eithne Noonan , Kay Ridgwell, Tim Carr, Paul Gladding, Fiona Leahy Lithander, Carolyn Dent ,Sarah Andrews, Elaine Barley, Liz Lovelock, Steve Emery and next up we have Alistair Blackwood.
EA Weekly30 Challenge
Don’t forget to record your 30 minutes this weekend. I think we may actually now be in first place but we still need to hold it. Details on how to enter are below.
Annual General Meeting Sunday 18th April 6:45pm
Don’t forget it’s the clubs Annual General Meeting Sunday evening. The event will be conducted via Zoom and all current members should have had the details e-mailed to them. If not, then please let me know and I’ll forward on the Zoom invite.
The AGM is your opportunity to provide feedback and learn how the club operates. I do recommend you join the meeting.
Black Swan Post Training Drinks
The club have two tables booked for this coming Monday night. The weather is looking promising so should be a good night in the beer garden. I think there are a couple of places left and if interested do let Louise Pretty know this weekend.
Club Kit
My inbox has been inundated with e-mails from members who’ve been telling me how smart and fashionable Steve looked in his relay photos. The good news is you too can look as dapper as Steve by ordering kit from the clubs supplier. In the photo below Steve is looking very stylish in a Westbury Harriers short sleeve running T-shirt. You even have the option to have initials added to the front and WESTBURY HARRIERS printed on the rear. Other items for sale include sweatshirts, jackets, shorts and much more, all with the Westbury Harrier crest.
The club also holds stock of vests (required for club competitions), hoodies and buffs which you can try for size before you buy. If interested in these items please contact or send a message via facebook.
Strava Segment of the Week
Well done to Sandra Sforza who achieved a third place cup on Strava segment ‘Field Circle Reverse’ in a time of 1:13 during Thursday’s interval session at Coombe Dingle. Katy Taylor holds the crown in a time of 1:11.
Diary Dates
April 2021 England Athletics Weekly 30 Run challenge. Run for 30 minutes over the weekend, it’s that simple.
Sunday 18th April Virtual AGM 6:30pm A virtual club AGM using Zoom, joining details will be provided nearer the time.
Monday 19th April Dirty Duck Club Night An evening at the pub for drinks and snacks- contact Louise Hadley for details
Editor this Week
Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via