Saturday 15th October
Westbury Harriers – Weekly News
Editors Piece
Good luck to all those running the Gwent League in Cardiff today. I’m there with you in spirit this year because I’m competing in the Mendip Muddle, a club championship event this Sunday.
This weekend a few of the club will also be running the Bath Half and best wishes to Ewan Paton who will be running his first marathon in Amsterdam.
Thursday Intervals
For a change we’ll be on the road running hill intervals this coming Thursday. The route has yet to be decided but you will need your road running shoes and brightly coloured running kit for this session.
Westbury Harriers Take on the Super Half Series, Starting with Lisbon
Last night myself, Sarah and Mark Andrews had a planning meeting over a beer to discuss the Super Half Marathon series. We’re very keen to complete the whole series and encourage those in the club to give it a try too.
We decided we would like to try the Lisbon Half Marathon on Sunday 12th March 2023 as we probably could all do with some sunshine after a bleak winter, plus there are almost daily flights from Bristol with easyJet.
We’re keen to turn the occasion into a mini-break and also explore a little of Lisbon in the days preceding the half. We will fly out on Thursday 9th March, returning Tuesday 14th March. Members of the club are welcome to join us for this period, or even just for a few days if you can only arrange a short trip.
Ideally it would be great if we could all arrange accommodation within the same area as it will make meeting up a lot easier. Mark and Sarah are planning on using an AirBnB in the Bairro Alto area of Lisbon. I’ve found a Hotel using (Hotel ibis Lisboa Liberdade) in Principle Real. Both locations are within walking distance and either end of the Avenue da Liberdade.
If you are interested in running the Lisbon Half (or 10k option) it costs 60 Euros to enter with a small booking fee. Details are in the links below.
If you wish to run Lisbon as part of the Super Half Series (or any other super half marathon, then you will also need to register for a Super Half passport. Obviously you also have the option of just running Lisbon as a one off event.
Mark, Sarah and I can be found training with the club most evenings so you’re welcome to come and ask us questions. A facebook posting will also be added this weekend where people can express interest.
Club Birthday Celebrations
Another club birthday to celebrate, this time for Tamsin who’s big day is tomorrow. I must admit, I had to spend days scouring the internet for some pictures of Tamsin with her eye’s open, okay, one did manage to slip through! Happy birthday and have a great day.
British Masters Cross Country Relays 29th October
It’s a great event – relays of 3K on a fast and flat playing field course. It’s a good venue in Long Eaton near Nottingham. Again, we will aim to car share. The club will pay entries and contribute towards travel.
Male categories and stages MV35 team of 5 MV45 team of 5 MV55 team of 4 MV65 team of 3 (Runners can run for a younger age team – but not older !)
If you would like to run, please email Mike Mewse with XCR, YOUR NAME, AGE (on 29th Oct) and your estimated 3K (or 5K time) – or a rough guess !
Mike will need names by Tuesday 18th October at the latest, but the sooner the better. See details on BMAF website.
Dave Perkins Funeral
On Wednesday it was Dave’s funeral and a good few from the club were present to celebrate his life. Thanks to Peter Keogan who was able to forward me the photo below.
Peter goes on to say, ‘attached is a photo from Dave Perkins’ “wake” at the Memorial Stadium. Left to right we have Sandra Bailey-Gard, Pete Keogan (Club Historian), Chris Buckley (Club legend, Welsh Senior International, AAA 10 Mile Champion, Midland XC Champion – twice, Polytechnic Marathon winner and still holds the club Half Marathon record, also a really nice guy.), Izzy Povey, Jullian Bailey-Gard Snr (who once won the Gwent League MV60 title, about thirty years ago), John Weekes (former Senior Men’s team manager and club treasurer, the proud owner of two British Vets team bronze medals from the 90’s and whose camera is to thank for this photo), Andy Povey (who gave up running when I started to beat him !), Pete Lavis (coach, former Girls team manager and father of Matthew, and Sarah Thorne.)
Finally, a very welcome “guest” and former second claim member, Barbara Weekes who, back in the day won a London Marathon FV50 bronze medal. John Canning to be thanked for taking the photo.’
Club Christmas Meal and Weston Prom
Sandra Bailey-Gard is kindly organising the Christmas meal after the Weston Prom 5 mile race on Thursday 15th Dec. The Weston prom is suitable for all abilities. A fun and relaxed event. A great way to finish for the Christmas break and put that training to use, with a reward at the end!
Menu is below – please get money and menu choices to Sandra by 24th Nov. All welcome.
We would like to encourage all the regular Thursday interval attendees to come and give this a go if they can. Details of the Weston prom.
Strava Segment of the Week
Well done to Nick Dobson running the Severn Bridge Parkrun this morning. Nick achieved a PR on Strava segment ‘Severn Bridge Parkrun’ in a time of 21:10
Diary Dates
Saturday 15th October Cardiff Cross Challenge and first Gwent League race
Sunday 16th October Bath Half Marathon
Sunday 16th October Mendip Muddle (Club Championship)
Saturday 29th October British Masters Cross Country Relays (V35, 45, 55, 65) in Nottingham.
Sunday 30th October Nightingale Nightmare by Southville Running Club
Saturday 5th November Battle at Blaise an obstacle race at Blaise estate.
Sunday 27th November Chepstow Racecourse Half Marathon (Club Championship)
Saturday 12th November Gwent League Cross Country Blaise Castle
Sunday 13th November Sodbury Slog (10 miler trail event)
Thursday 17th November Weston Prom Race 3 by Weston AC
Saturday 26th November Run Fest at Ashton Court
Sunday 27 November AVR Wiltshire Half Marathon (10 year Anniversary Special!) BA13 4NT.
Saturday 3rd December Gwent League Pembrey
Sunday 4th December Weston Christmas Cracker (and Club Championship event)
Monday 12th December Brailsford Christmas Lights Run
Thursday 15th December Weston Prom Race 4 by Weston AC
Friday 16th December Night Race 1, Beechenhurst Lodge, by Rogue Runs
Thursday 12th January Night Race 2 Wye Valley and Piercefield Park
Sunday 5th February Doynton Hard Half, a horrible cross country hosted by Emersons Green Running Club
Saturday 11th or Sunday 12th February Gwent League TBD
Saturday 4th or Sunday 4th March Gwent League TBD
Editor this Week
Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via