Weekly News

A workshop entitled Women’s Wellbeing Workshop and Eating and Strengthening for an Active Lifestyle is talking place on Saturday 24th November 9-12:30 at Bradbury Hall, Henleaze, BS9 4BT.  The organiser, Claire Callaghan writes, ‘I’m doing it with my former University of Bristol Nutrition and Dietician Colleague, Sue Baic, who is the author of Nutrition for Dummies and often cited on the BBC and in the written media. She and I did a-lot of similar talks for the High Performance Athletes (including Olympic sprinters, medallists and marathon runners) when we were at Bristol University. This workshop, specifically for women, will help those looking to fuel better, manage energy levels, consider their diet for optimum health and strengthening strategies to avoid injury. Can chat 1:1 with a physio and dietician/nutritionist. Particularly useful for those struggling with these issues or looking to increase distances and improve times. 

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1712033128904995

Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womens-wellbeing-workshops-eat…

We would love to see some of your runners there. Early bird finishes 31st Oct and places are limited.’

Thursday Efforts Session. This week Mike’s planning a short pyramid session consisting of 30 sec/1 min/ 2 min/1min/30 sec, with 3 sets and 30 seconds recovery between each effort and a 2 minute recover between sets.

Neil Miller will not be available for the next Gwent League on the Saturday 10th November so asks,  ‘Help! Could anyone take the club tent over to the next Gwent League? I’m going for a curry 2nd – 11th November, so would need to drop it off before then. There are people who know how to put it up, and hopefully the senior men will take it down and bring it back, but you would need to get it there fairly early. 

Race Review

As a new feature I’m going to provide a race review. I’m going to publish at least one report per month and hopefully it will provide a ‘taste’ of the event by covering atmosphere, scenery and PB potential. These reports will cover events I have run and as a relative newbie to the running scene I hope they will provide a true insight into the event.

The Ironwood Challenge, hosted by Nailsea Running Club

This was my first event running under club colours and I can only describe it as an eye opener.  For most of the winter all my training had been undertaken on the roads so I was looking forward to the Ironwood Challenge, my first race and and a circuit almost entirely off-road which I thought would be on hard packed paths.

The race starts at Long Ashton Community Centre and is circular of approximately 10K.  The first section is probably the most challenging as it is uphill and along very narrow, muddy footpaths.  A chap at the start advised getting in the front to avoid the inevitable congestion. I took his advice and immediately regretted it as I had 200 runners hot on my heels and all I wanted to do was quietly die! If this was not bad enough it then become muddier and muddier, so muddy the organisers had to place knotted ropes so runners could haul themselves through the gloop.

Once this first section was out the way the route improved and we were running through open fields, woodlands and even a short section of country road. There were a few stiles and gates to negotiate but at least these provide a chance to catch your breath. The last few K’s are all down hill so should you run out of energy (like me) you can basically fall across the finish line. Just watch out you don’t fall into a badger hole on the decent.

Any event that has ‘challenge’ in the title is a warning but in this case I can honestly say only the first section is difficult. If anything you are so focussed on staying upright you forget how energy sapping it is.  Once the first few miles are completed the running is relatively straight forward on good surfaces through scenic woodland, fields and farmland.

Off-road shoes are essential and being in early February hats and gloves may be needed.  This is not a PB route but scores highly in the satisfaction runners get for completion. The route is fully marshalled and there’s parking, kit storage and showers at the Community Centre. Also bring plenty of change for the excellent cakes and hot drinks at the finish.

This year the event is taking place on Sunday 10th February and as a bonus it is a Club Championship event so I look forward to seeing you all there.

Photos thanks to Backwell Camera Club and Jo Shepherd


Monday 5th November. Move Up Monday. An opportunity to try a slightly faster running group on the Monday evening. We are encouraging as many runners as possible try out a quicker group so you won’t be alone if you a try a different session. 

17th-18th November, Colin’s Welsh Coast Path – Strumble Head

Sunday 18th November Castle Combe Chilly 10K

Saturday 24th November Women’s Wellbeing Workshop on Eating and Strengthening for an Active Lifestyle

November- various dates.  Night Running, explore Blaise Castle by head torch. Using Poles, learn how to effectively use poles to run faster, stronger and longer.  For details and dates check dansummersrunning.co.uk

Up coming club championships

Wednesday 7th November Severn Bridge 5k Night Race. Now sold out.

Saturday 10th November Gwent League, Pembrey Park

Sunday 25th November AVR Wiltshire Half Marathon
