- A huge thanks to the Blaise Blazer team, all the volunteers and runners for making the race again a huge success. Any feedback or comments please do email manager.women@westburyharriers.co.uk
- The Westbury Wipeout is on Monday 2nd July. Caroline Bull needs lots of volunteers so please do sign up. No usual training that night.
- Congratulations to Geraint Torrington who has been awarded the Shelia Crump trophy from the Gwent League for his contributions to the League.
- Provisional Gwent League dates are out – Sat 13th Oct Cardiff, Sunday 11th Nov Pembrey (May change to Sunday), 1st December venue to be confirmed, Sat 2nd Feb venue to be confirmed, Saturday 2nd March Blaise Castle
- 10km Mob match date is confirmed for Friday 27th July. This is fantastic event. Local clubs all competing against one another. The idea is to get out as many runners as you can. So do put the date in your diary and come along, it is £2 payable to the Westbury team manager on the night.
- Up coming club championship races are all on FB as event and on our website.
- Dont forget Runfest is this Friday 15th June https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/run-fest-the-series-june-2018-tickets-43483227504?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
- Dan Summers is running an introduction to trail running course 19-21st Oct in Brecon. Tickets and information can be found at www.adventure-awaits.co.uk