Weekly News

  • Don’t forget Monday 4th June is the Blaise Blazer, so no usual training for any groups. There are no entries on the night. But please do come along and help marshal or with the refreshments. All support is greatly appreciated. We need home baked cakes, so do bring along.
  • Carol has posted about the discounted entries for the Bristol half marathon. Please follow the instructions to get your place.
  • Women’s Running event in BS9 (St Edyth’s Hall, Sea Mills) on Sat 23 June 9am-12pm. For: women who are keen runners and looking to improve their strength and control. It has been devised by Clare Callaghan (chartered physiotherapist) and a colleague (Sally Trussler) in response to the large number of women we see in clinical practice who have injuries and reduced strength and control, particularly after having children. It will give them the tools to strengthen their abdominals, pelvic floor and legs in a running specific way. There will be some discussion about running gait and the opportunity to have 1:1 discussion with a Physiotherapist and Movement  and running biomechanics specialist. It would be particularly useful for runners increasing distance or those with or at risk of injuries.  We would welcome your club members attendance and if you would like to share the link on your website, via email to club members or facebook page, that would be fine too.

Booking via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/north-bristol-womens-running-workshop-empowering-mums-who-run-tickets-45716129173?aff=es2  
