Weekly News

  •  No training Monday 28th May as it’s bank holiday
  • Monday 4th June it’s  the Blaise Blazer. No usual training for any groups. We would encourage everyone to pitch and help make the event a success by marshalling – please let Caroline Bull know. We also need lots of fabulous home baked cakes for refreshments afterwards which were gratefully received by lots of hungry runners last year, so please bring these along on the night. Entries are still available up to 1/6/18 at www.runbritain.com
  • The 2018/19 club championship is underway – races are listed on the website and on the events on the Facebook page. So take a look at set yourself a new challenge or goal to get involved with. The Blaise Blazer is in the club championships and you also get points if you choose to marshall rather than run.