The Simplyhealth Great Bristol Half Marathon takes place on Sunday, September 23rd 2018 and the organisers are offering clubs a 20% discount on entries. If we get 20 members or more the entry fee will be £32 instead of £40. We must get at least 20 entries for the discount to be applicable; we have exceeded this number massively in the past so this is not expected to be a problem.
So what’s the process you have to follow?
- You must be a fully paid up member of the club.
- You can pay using 3 different methods:
- By PayPal – send a payment to for £32 Use the “I’m sending money to family or friends” and not “I’m paying for goods or services”– I am not a business and will not accept any additional charges; if £32 is not in my account I will not process the entry. I will be asking you for the missing amount. Send an email to from the email address that you’d like the organisers to send your access code to indicating that you’ve paid via PayPal.
- By bank transfer –bank details are CAROL A FEE, 11-00-01 19056268. Please make sure that you know the reference and send it in an email to from the email address that you’d like the organisers to send your access code to.
- Write a cheque made payable to Carol Fee for £32 Write your name, email address and contact number CLEARLY on the back. If these details are not on the back of the cheque or not clear your cheque will be returned. Cash will not be accepted. Give your cheque to Carol Fee on a Monday night or post it to at 100 Clover Ground, Bristol, BS9 4UL.
- Entries need to be with Carol by end of Sunday, June 24th 2018; no late entries will be accepted.
- When the entries have been received they will be sent to the organisers in one block. An email will be sent to the entrant with details of how to enter. NOTE: Your entry to the race is NOT complete until you enter online. Sending the payment in does not mean you are entered.