Westbury’s men took part in the National 12 Stage Road Relays at Sutton Park on Saturday, April 11th. The team had qualified by finishing 19th in the Midlands 12 Stage Road Relays two weeks ago.
The core of the Midlands team remained with some enforced last minute changes which always gives team managers last minute panic – Robin has even less hair now!
The format of the National 12 Stage Road Relays is slightly different to the Midlands equivalent as it alternates between a long and short stage whereas the Midlands has 4 long and 8 short legs.
The team performed well on the day with some improving their times from the Midlands and some taking part at a relays event for the first time.
The team finished 54th overall out of 67 teams.
54 Westbury Harriers 5:14:43
Dan Ewing (61) 32:17
Dom Taylor (60) 18:53
Nick Smart (55) 31:14
Geraint Torrington (62) 21:59
Robin Phillips (60) 33:31
Alex Hamblin (58) 18:24
Scott Campbell (56) 31:58
Steven Beardwell (56) 19:13
Chris Palmer (56) 33:10
Sean Lee (56) 20:25
Jullian Bailey Gard (55) 34:23
Chris Beck (55) 19:16