July Results Round Up – bumper sweltering summer edition

So England finally got knocked out of the World Cup, a Welshman won the Tour de France, and the sun kept beating down in our newly tropical climate. All the while, Westbury runners kept racing through the seemingly never-ending heat, with some excellent results.

Thanks to all those who keep us updated via Facebook, but if you don’t use or care for that medium of communication, please email any results and news to results@westburyharriers.co.uk. Don’t be shy and modest– if you don’t tell us about your hard earned PB in the Highbridge Hilly Hell 10K or some other amusingly (and alliteratively) titled race, who else will?

In the meantime, with thanks for all previous Facebook reports and photos (gratefully recycled here), here are your results for July. Lots and lots of them. Blimey, some of these people should put their feet up once in a while. Just kidding…we have had lots of prize winners and some very impressive runs this month.


Cotswold Way Relay 30th June (technically last month, but never mind)

Scott and Clive, leg 5
Sandra and Brendan, leg 9


Well done to the intrepid Westbury Mixed team, and the “Elderberries” veterans, for taking part in this formidable 10 leg off-road relay from Chipping Campden to Bath. The blistering heat and undulating terrain made for a highly demanding race, with legs ranging from 9 to 12 miles in length, and ascents from 240 to 525m. The pre-race reconnaissance and logistical planning paid off, and despite some injury and heat withdrawals, almost all runners got to and from their appointed places. The Mixed team finished a very impressive and respectable 20th out of 48 complete teams in a tidy 14h 40m 12s for the 103 miles of the Way.

In leg order, our brave Wayfarers were:

Westbury Mixed – Tom Gange, Robin Phillips, “No Runner” (so fast you couldn’t see him), Alex Hamblin (4th/116 in leg!), Scott Campbell, Julian Bailey Gard jr., Jeni Stevenson, Oli Beale, Brendan Moroney and Evita Gonzalez-Szamocki

Elderberries – Carol Fee, Trudi Johnson, David Baber, Ian Derrick, Clive Attwood, Eithne Noonan, Helen Sawyer, Anneke Bull, Sandra Sforza, Kay Ridgwell


Concorde Canter 10K, Filton Airfield, 4th July

What better place to run a 10K on a hot summer’s night than around a disused airfield runway? Six Westbury Harriers took part in this enjoyable, if less than scenic, race and have the medals to prove it (pictured with Gromit).

Many congratulations to Robin Phillips who was the overall winner in 38:11.

Well run also to Carol Fee, Trudi Johnson, Mike Mewse, and Ken & Ann Lovell.


Purdown Pursuit 10K Trails Race – 5th July


Another Westbury winner! Congratulations to Alex Hamblin, first overall in this popular woodland and trails race on the outskirts of Bristol.


There was a large Westbury turnout, most of whom are pictured, and all of whom ran well in more tough and hot conditions. Well done to Joshua Bishop (32nd), Jeni Stevenson (34th, 2nd VF40), Jane Goodwin (39th, 3rd VF40), Clive Attwood (46th), Clare Eskell (51st), Helen Sawyer (57th), Anneke Bull (59th), Sandra Sforza (69th), James Bardwell (72nd), Richard Hughes (79th), Jed White (86th) and Eithne Noonan (100th, 2nd VF60).


Tintern Trot 6 miles – also 5th July


Meanwhile, on the same night over the bridge in Wales (although partly in England when they crossed over Offa’s Dyke path….), four Harriers took part in this very popular “off-road race of approximately 6 miles with the bonus of a hot drink and massive slice of cake at the finish” (Ian G.). Well done to:

Robin Phillips 44:14 (15th), Ian Gawinowski (28th) 46:50, Ken Ham (32nd – 1st MV55) 47:41 and Linda Phillips (153rd) 01:01:01.


Bath Two Tunnels 5K and 10K – 8th July

Well done to Olivia (11th in the 5k,22:19, 1st F20-39) and Clare Eskell (4th VF50, 45:39), pictured, for flying the Westbury flag in this round of an enjoyable series of races on the edge of Bath, where the cool railway tunnels provided the only relief on another scorching race night.


Thornbury 10K – 12th July

Yet another Westbury winner! Very well done to Sophie Voller (pictured), 1st female (and 10th overall) in 40:48 in a strong and large field for this local 10K race. Good running also from Ken Lovell, Tim Carr, Tony Rudd and Carol Fee


Sri Chinmoy 3 x 1 mile relays – 17th July

With the races coming thick and fast, there was still some Westbury representation at the final round of this summer series in Eastville Park – this was the hugely popular and fun 3 x 1 mile relay race. Proving that it’s quality and not quantity that counts, BOTH Westbury teams were category winners!

The Hall family (Tom, Julian and Abi) finished an impressive 16th overall, and scooped the prize for the 1st Family team, just ahead of the part Westbury/part Bristol & West Fullerton team.

Mary Fullerton joined Anneke Bull and Eithne Noonan in the “Women of Westbury” team who won the VF50 prize (pictured). Mary and Eithne also picked up the overall series prizes for the VF50 and VF60 categories – great running all round.

Bitton 5K Series Race #3 – 18th July

Clare prepares to surge past Richard….

This, the third of the Bitton 5k Summer Series, had been put back from 11th July because of some football match or other. As a Club Champs race, and a chance to run a speedy 5K along the Bristol-Bath cycle path, there was a massive Westbury turnout, with some great battles and ‘packing’ along the way.

Aidan Noble was first Harrier home in 17:42, Sophie Voller won another prize (1st VF), Trevor took his vest off yet again, and there was apparently some sort of shouty protest and obstruction by a disgruntled cyclist near the finish line. Maybe he should get off his bike and try running…

Full results: 9. Aidan Noble 17:42(1st Junior); 10. Richard Noble 18:13 (2nd Vet Man); 12. Tom Gange 18:25; 19. Sophie Voller 19:25 (1st Vet Lady); 20. Ian Gawinowski 19:29; 25. Chris McCabe 19:54; 33. Jenni Stevenson 20:38; 42. Liv Eskell 20:57; 45. Sonnie Jane 21:07; 46. Mark Andrews 21:11; 49. Richard Hughes 21:48; 52. Clare Eskell 21:51; 60. Trevor Fitsall 22:37; 62. Judy Knights 23:17; 63. Helen Sawyer 23:19; 68. Sandra Sforza 24:03;  79. Eithine Noonan 27:33; 83. Caroline Scapens 29:06


GWR Towpath Series – 10K Mob Match – 27th July

Finally (almost), the Mob Match was suitably mobbed on a cooler, but still humid and dusty evening by the Avon. 20 Westbury athletes turned out and did credit to the club. In the words of team manager, participant and photographer Mike Mewse:

“An excellent Inter-Club 10K Championship / Mob Match 2018 on Friday evening. With twelve clubs taking part there was big field and a great atmosphere. A big “Thank You” to Great Western Runners and all the marshals / admin team.

Our 20 Westbury athletes achieved a very respectable 5th team place behind, Clevedon RC (4th) Bitton RR (3rd ), Southville RC (2nd) and the outstanding winners Bristol and West.

Top three Westbury runners – Alex Hamblin in 10th place, Aidan Noble in 19th and Rich Noble 35th.

Well done to all the Westbury Runners : Adam Kilgour, Ewan Kilgour, Clare Eskell, Clive Attwood, Tim Carr, Ewan Paton, Jeni Stevenson, Jane Goodwin, Ian Gawinowski, Mark Williams, Sarah Williams, Alex Hamblin, Judy Knights, Maria Hobbs, Ray Hooper, Mike Mewse. Aidan Noble, Sandra Williams, Rich Noble, Terry Jewell-Davies, an Trevor Fitsall.

“Run of the Night” – Ray Hooper (V60) who returned to racing with an impressive run, recording a great negative split – his second 5k a full minute quicker than the first!”

Junior News and International Achievements


i) Ben Rawlins, Westbury Harriers and GBR…


It’s not often we get to post photos of a Westbury Harrier in a GBR vest, let alone a run/swim suit, so a massive well done to young Ben Rawlins for representing Great Britain in the ITU Aquathlon World Championships in Denmark, from the 5th to 14th July. For most of us, a 1K sea swim would have to be followed by a lie down and flask of tea or something stronger – certainly not a 5K run. In the words (once again) of Mike Mewse:

“A Big Thank You to all the coaches and fellow athletes at Westbury Harriers who have helped and encouraged Ben Rawlins over the last few years.

Ben, a member of our Gwent League winning U17 team, made a very good debut for the GB triathlon team, competing in the 16 -19 age group aquathlon event – a 1k sea swim and 5k run. Ben finished in 4th place in 32.40 (1. Dolan USA 31.18 2. Clough NZL 31.25 Davies GB 32.13).”

A fantastic effort and achievement from Ben.


ii) YDL Track Regional Finals – Newport, 29th July


Finally, a huge well done to all the young Westbury athletes who competed for “Team Avon” (the amalgamated local team comprising Yate and other clubs) in the Midlands and South West regional final of the U17/U20 UK Athletics Youth Development League (YDL) at Newport Stadium on Sunday 29th July. The conditions included sunshine, high winds and torrential rainstorms, so it was a day for competitive and tactical racing rather than personal bests. The Westbury athletes excelled in this respect, frequently holding off near rivals to preserve their places.

Particularly well done to those athletes who “doubled up” and ran additional events so that Avon could field a runner or full relay team and score points: Emily Whitaker ran a 4x300m relay leg not long after a gruelling 1500m steeplechase, while Rhiannon Paton ran the 3000m only a couple of hours after the 1500m.

The large Westbury points contribution meant that Team Avon finished 2nd overall, just ahead of the famous Birchfield Harriers in 3rd, and so qualified for the National YDL Finals at Bedford on 9th September.

This is a fantastic achievement, and the regular and reliable turnout of the Westbury athletes for these fixtures is greatly appreciated by the Yate and Avon coaches. Great credit is also due to all coaches, volunteers and parents/drivers who have kept these runners trained, fit and fast throughout the summer.


Westbury/Yate/Avon runners’ results:


U20M 2000m steeplechase – Aidan Noble – 4th (7:10:17)

U17M 800m A – Abdi Hasan – 1st (2:01:16)

U17M 1500m B – Greg Hayward – 1st (4:36:31)

U17M 3000m – James Harrod – 4th (9:51:65)

U17W 1500m B – Rhiannon Paton – 1st (5:18:86)

U17W 3000m A – Rosie Hamilton-James – 2nd (11:11:26)

U17W 3000m B – Rhiannon Paton – 1st (11:56.79)

U17W 1500m steeplechase B – Emily Whitaker – 1st (5:46.:97)

U17W 4 x 300m relay – Emily Whitaker 2nd leg – team 3rd (3:02:50)


Well done to all.


I think that’s everything…



