Blaise Gwent XC. Firstly a big thank you to everybody who made last Saturday’s Gwent on home turf a success. This goes to all the volunteers, runners and supporters. Special mention must go to Neil Miller, Geraint Torrington, Tamsin, and Ian Smith. Simon Johnston for his early start to help to set up the course and Caroline Bull who did a great job getting everybody organised.
Club Championships. Sadly there are only two more Club Championship events to go before the season ends. Don’t forget to add your results to the Westbury Harrier website for events already completed.
Rodway 10k Entries have now ended for the Rodway Easy Runner 10k but if you feel like cheering on the 14 club members who’ve entered come along next Sunday. The start is opposite Mangotsfield School and it takes in some of the Bristol Bath Cycle way. Route description below Rodway Link
Gloucester 20. Entries are still open for the Gloucester 20 on Sunday 17th March. Please see link for details. Gloucester 20
Club Nominations. There’s still opportunity to get your club member nominations in before the committee meet on Friday. Send Juniors and Seniors nominations to
Bristol 10k. Just a final reminder that the closing date for discounted club entries is less than a week away. The Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k takes place on Sunday, May 5th 2019 and the organisers are offering clubs a 15% discount on group entries of 20 or more, making the entry £25.50 instead of £30. This offer is only available to fully paid up club members.
By PayPal – send a payment to for £25.50 Use the “I’m sending money to family or friends” and not “I’m paying for goods or services”– Carol is not a merchant and will not accept any additional charges; if £25.50 is not in her account she will not process the entry and the difference will need to be paid.
By bank transfer –bank details are CAROL A FEE, 11-00-01 19056268. Send an email to from the email address that you’d like the organisers to send your access code to confirming you have sent payment.
Entries need to be with Carol by the end of Sunday, March 10th 2019; no late entries will be accepted. When the entries have been received they will be sent to the organisers in one block. An email will be sent to the entrant with details of how to enter. NOTE: Your entry to the race is NOT complete until you enter online. Sending the payment in does not mean you are entered. BONUS 8 lucky runners will have their entry refunded.
Weekend Results. There were a lot of events involving Westbury Harriers this weekend including the Blaise Gwent, Rhayader Round the Lakes and the Greenman/Greenboy Ultra. I’ll leave the results round-up in the capable hands of Ewan, but as an appetiser I’ve including few photos of the Ultra below.
I thought running 9k around Blaise was hard work but it does not compare to the effort of Erik and Fiona Lithander who undertook the Greenboy, only 30 miles long! Trudi Johnson (pictured with Emila Turif) took it a step further and did the whole thing. The Greenman is a staggering 45 miles in length!
Diary Dates
Monday 25th March. Club AGM, 8pm after training
Saturday 6th April. Awards Evening
Monday 3rd June Blaise Blazer.
Championship Events
Sunday 10th March. Rodway Easy Runner 10k. SOLD OUT
Sunday 17th March. Gloucester 20 Gloucester 20 Link