Weekly Reminders


  • Monday 5th June Blaise Blazer– no usual training for any groups. Marshals meet at 6.45pm. Please bring cakes. The races has sold out so no entries available on the night.
  • Monday 26th June – All adult groups will be running the Westbury Wipeout route as their Monday night training night for a bit of fun – prepare to get wet feet!
  • Monday 10th July – Westbury Wipeout – get signed to help out. No usual training for any groups.
  • Monday 21st August annual charity run for all groups (juniors/seniors). All to run together for a social run in club kit. Cake sale afterwards. All proceeds go to our selected local charity.
  • Monday 28th August – no training as bank holiday.


  • Please remember to collect, fill in and wear your shoe tag. This has your emergency contact on and should be worn at every club session. These are worn for your safety.
  • Please do post any race results on the facebook page so they can then be picked up an circulated.