Weekly News – Sunday 7th April 2024



Hello and welcome to the weekly newsletter. So nice to be running in the light again in the evening sessions, even if it is in this non-stop rain. Hopefully, the weather will start to dry up soon as well. As Blaise has been quite waterlogged I have driven to the Severn Bridge for a couple of park runs. I don’t know if everyone had the same idea but it’s been good seeing other harriers there, great course but it was a bit blowy this week!

Before we get started I just want to say a massive GOOD LUCK to everyone who has spring marathons coming up in Brighton, Newport, Manchester and of course London. It’s been pretty humbling seeing your training and the miles you have been logging on Strava. So enjoy your tapers and go get it!

And talking of races three Club Championship races have been added, starting with two this month, check out the diary dates at the bottom (club champs in green).


Firstly some housekeeping….

Westbury Harriers Monday night training survey

All members should have received an email explaining why we are asking people to complete a survey about Monday Night training. Please can everyone read the email and respond.

Please consider the initial question in the light of the information in the email. We would like responses from all members who run on a Monday or would run on a Monday if the sessions we are able to offer were at a start time they were able to run at. Please remember that what we are able to offer is dependent on a number of factors including the availability of our brilliant group of Volunteer Coaches and Run Leaders. The deadline for responses is Friday 26 April following which we will be able to collate and consider everyone’s views before deciding on the best way to move forwards.

Track racing for Yate AC 

Now that the cross country has come to an end remember, that as part of your membership, you are also entitled to run (for free!) for Yate AC on the track.

Some key 2024 League, Championship, and Open fixtures are outlined on the attached fixture list.

To be able to compete for Yate AC on the track you must do the following:

  1. Sign up for Yate as a Westbury Harrier Associate Member for free here: https://yateac.co.uk/yate-district-ac-membership/
  2. Complete the ‘other discipline form’ (also available on the Yate membership page). This must be done before you can compete, it is recommended that you do this as soon as possible if you are interested in competing for Yate. However, if you have already done this you do not need to do it again!

Any questions about racing/training on the track please get in touch with Vicky Tester:senior.track.manager@westburyharriers.co.uk or 07808921832



Mark Andrews and co tackle the Prague half! (Part of the super half world series).

Westbury Harriers on Tour!

A mini heatwave has hit Prague!

The Westbury runners all successfully completed the latest run in the Half Marathon Super Half’s series yesterday.

The heat and blazing sunshine was a bit of a shock to the system and most struggled in the heat. That and a combination of injuries and illness meant it wasn’t a day for PBs, but great to be part of an international event in an amazing city!

Even hotter today and an opportunity to relax and enjoy being a tourist!



Come and take some new trainers for a spin!

(Optional, you can still turn up and run in your own shoes)

We will be hosting an ALTRA FOOTWEAR workshop, testing out the Lone Peak 8 (trail), Paradigm (mild support) and FWD Experience (road).

  • ARRIVAL TIME: 6PM (This is so people can allow time to find the right size/shoe and everyone will be ready to go at 6:30pm)
  • START TIME: 6:30PM (Usual time for Monday session)
  • WHERE: Coombe Dingle Sports Complex

Thanks to UP & Running and Altra for planning the evening.


Senior – Marilyn Palmer

‘For her continual support to runners at all levels, and the sharing of her wealth of running experience. Plus her commitment to get the ITV interview finished which took three attempts in the pouring rain, while completing the training session!’

Junior – Seamus Robinson

‘For his performance both physically and professionally at the World cross country championships representing Ireland in Belgrade. He really did the club proud.’


*** If you want to share any news, race stories or results, then please email: communication@westburyharriers.co.uk or you can post on the WH Facebook Group Page. We love to hear about everyone’s achievements and adventures ***


THIS WEEK’S TRAINING (W/C 01/04/2024):


With the option to trial some Altra shoes. Arrive early if you want to try some.


Track session fees (+admin fee) will be taken through RunTogether like other sessions, so there will be no need to pay Yate directly, as the club will do this. Please do cancel if you can’t make the session as the track sessions are popular and there has been a waiting list in recent weeks. As before, if RunTogether doesn’t refund you automatically please message Tamsin. Sign up HERE.

This week the session is:

Goal: Session with more distance @ 5k pace and below

1K (slower than 5k pace), 200m jog/ recovery
2 x 400m (@5k pace), 100m jog /recovery
1K (slower than 5k pace), 200m jog/ recovery
4 x 200m (@faster than 5k pace), 100m jog/recovery
1K (slower than 5k pace), 200m jog/ recovery

If you run regularly at Yate or plan to give track races a go this season. Do make sure you have taken advantage of our partnership with Yate AC and join Yate for free as an associate Westbury Harriers member: https://westburyharriers.co.uk/membership/yate-partnership/


Meet every Wednesday at 12pm at the traffic lights by Saville Road on the Downs. Book on via RunTogether HERE.



4th April planned session ON GRASS IF DRY
5 mins with 90s recovery
5 x 2 mins (1 min recovery)
5 mins
10k effort on the 5 minutes and 5k on the 2’s.



Key: Red = Key club team races, Green = Club championship race, Blue = Club Centenary/Other events



The current membership year ended on 31st March. Lizzy sent a detailed email (16th March) with full instructions of how to renew – Please check your inboxes/junk for that message and get renewing for another year of running with WH!



Sarah and Louise are organising the next Club Supper on 11th April at the Black Swan at 8.15pm – Curry, £9.50 per person. If you’d like to go, please register your interest and pay by 8th April. All details on the Facebook page.



The club has booked a stand at the Bristol Running Show again. This event is taking place at the BAWA Club on Southmead Road. A great local venue and an ideal opportunity to let the Bristol running community know more about the range of running activities that our wonderful club has to offer. The event features stands from local running clubs as well as local and national groups and retailers. It also has a series of interesting speakers throughout the day, plus yoga sessions, guided runs and even an orienteering course to try! https://bristolrunningshow.com/ Sign up for your FREE TICKET here:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bristol-running-show-2024-tickets-742275224177

We also need volunteers to man the stand throughout the day. Ideally two people in three shifts:

9.00 – 11.00am
11.00am – 1.00pm
1.00pm – 3.00pm

In previous years, we have had a really good mix of volunteers, from longstanding members to more recent recruits. It’s a great opportunity to tell any new prospective members everything they need to know about the benefits of joining Westbury Harriers! Why not combine a visit to the show with an opportunity to help support the club! If you can help this year, please comment on the pinned Facebook post or speak to Mark Andrews – mark.andrews65@me.com



The annual Masters road relays are taking place in May this year. The ladies had a really enjoyable and successful day out last year and we really hope that some men’s teams will join them this year. We can enter teams in V35, V45 and V55 age categories. This is a really good event with each leg being about 5k around the motor racing circuit. The club pays the entry fee, we can share lifts and the club will contribute towards travel costs.

Chris Palmer and Mark Andrews are getting the men’s teams together for this event. If you are interested please speak to one of us at training or email mark.andrews65@me.com If we have enough interest we can enter more than one team in each age group. We would like to put out some competitive teams but also give an opportunity to anyone who would like to enjoy taking part. Representing the club as part of a team is great fun, we hope to have a good day out as well as giving it our best in the race!

For the women, we are hoping to enter a V35 team of 4 and FV45, FV55 and FV65 teams of 3. If you would like to take part in this race, then please get in touch manager.vet.women@westburyharriers.co.uk



Applications close on 30th April for the Arthur Dagger Memorial Fund which is run by GWR. This financial contribution is to support young talented athletes. Please feel details on below link.



– Sun 21st April: Horton Bull Run (4miles)  https://hortonbullrun.co.uk
– Sunday 21st April: London Marathon
– Sunday 28th April: Newport Marathon
– Sunday 28th April: Berkeley 10k – https://www.dursleyrunningclub.org.uk/berkeley-10k/
– Thursday 25th April 2024: Club AGM after training at Coombe Dingle. Senior training will begin earlier at 6.30pm this evening.
– Saturday 27th April: Butcombe Trail Ultra Marathon (50 or 56 mile options)
– May 11th – 12th: Avon track and field championships, Yate. More information can be found here
– Tues 14th May: Rose Inn 5k https://sites.google.com/…/chepstow…/open-races/rose-inn
– Saturday 18th May: Formal Dinner for Club Centenary celebration. Location: Bristol Hotel (Details have been posted on Facebook)
– May 11th – 12th: Avon track and field championships, Yate, more information can be found here
– Friday 24th May: First 10k in the Towpath series including the Mob Match
– Saturday 25th May: Masters Road RelaysLeicester (Team managers will complete entries)
– Tuesday 11th June – Clevedon Midsummer 10k – a fast flat local 10k
– Sunday 23rd June: All Club EventActivities for juniors and seniors followed by food at Coombe Dingle Sports Complex


This week’s editor: Ben Wood
