Weekly News – Sunday 29th May

Sunday 29th May

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editors Piece

It was very exciting to have ITV filming at Yate track last Tuesday. Especially great to see Mike Mewse on camera as he was interviewed about the Commonwealth Games and the impact it will have on grass roots athletics. Plus it provided some some good free publicity for the club! 

If you look very carefully (and freeze frame) you also get to see the back of my head as I’m stretching off at the end of the session with Nicola’s group.

I may film a session of training at Yate track in the coming month’s so there may be the chance to be on film yourself, just like Mike, although I can’t guarantee nationwide coverage. Watch this space for details.

Yate Track Session – ‘Less is More’

Starting with the Yate Track session for Tuesday. The session will include the usual walking dynamic stretches, warm-up and warm-down, plus static stretches. As a lot of the Tuesday session runners are doing the Hogweed 10k on Monday Nicola is offering a tempo session.

“Less is More” Tempo session. Running at 30sec slower than 5k race pace. Usual dynamic stretches and Social laps.

  • 2x 1km (200m jog rec)
  • 400m float 
  • 4x 500m (200m jog rec)

Due to the Jubilee celebrations Coombe Dingle sports centre will be closed on Thursday 2nd June, therefore there won’t be an interval training session that evening (although something informal may be advertised nearer the time, check facebook for details).

Beggar Roost 6K Social Trail Run with David George, Old Sodbury, Sunday 19th June

David George (pictured below) has been one of our established runners for many years. Like many others he has had recent birthdays in lockdown but is making up for lost time with a celebration on the Sunday 19th June. 

Westbury Harriers runners and families are invited to join him for a 6K multi-terrain run (or a gentle short walk) on Sunday 19th June at Beggars Roost in Old Sodbury, near Chipping Sodbury BS37 6LR.

The event is suitable for all abilities with families welcome and will be followed by light refreshments at David’s house.  It’s all free and the run will be posted on RunTogether.  When you sign up you will receive confirmation information. Alternatively you can just catch David at a club night or email him on Davidcharliegeorge@protonmail.com

Kevin McConville Memorial Hogweed 10k Trot

Good luck to the 27 Westbury Harriers ‘trotting’ the 10k on Monday. With luck a few of us may even be taking home Avon County Championship medals! Entry is now closed but if you happen to be free supporters are most welcome.

A few of the Westbury gang pictured from the event a few years back.

Update from Runtogethervon

Apologies that the App still not working which is a nationwide issue. It is being followed up with the developers (all be it, not very quickly!). No issues booking on via a desktop site – please can people endeavour to do this as makes volunteers lives much easier not collecting £1s. 

Club Championship Results- Update

After two events Helen Sawyer is storming ahead in the women’s competition. Meanwhile for the men, Robin Phillips and Ben Wood are neck and neck with Trevor Fitsall in third place.

Blaise Blazer Monday 6th June

Count down to the Blaise Blazer is on. Do enter the race or let Carol Fee know if you can marshal. The highlight, apart from running up those lovely hills, is all the amazing home made cakes afterwards. So please do bring along on the night for our complimentary refreshments afterwards. Entries close 3rd June.  https://tinyurl.com/3z5r428j

Richard’s Wednesday Lunchtime Hills Group

Don’t forget Richard has a hill group that runs most Wednesday lunchtimes taking on a few uphill intervals. A selection of pictures from last week’s group ‘enjoying’ taking on gravity.

Strava Segment of the Week

Well done to Robyn and Matt Ellis proving running support to Harrison at the Upton Country Park Junior Parkrun. Matt achieved a PR on Strava segment Gate to gate in 2:08 with Robyn only a few seconds behind with her own PR of 2:24.

Diary Dates

Monday 30th May Hogweed Trot 10k 19:00 Yate. https://tinyurl.com/yckkn3wu

Sunday 5th June Bradley Stoke 10k Race Nation

Monday 6th June The Westbury Harriers Blaise Blazer multi-terrain race.

Saturday and Sunday 11 and 12 June. Cheddar Challenge by Relish Running

Sunday 12th June. Chew Valley 10k  http://www.chewvalley10k.co.uk

Tuesday 14th June Clevedon AC Midsummer 10K, go to the Clevedon AC website and follow the link to their races

Friday 17th June Race 2 Towpath Series

Saturday/Sunday 18-19th June Brecon Running/Camping Weekend.

Sunday 19th June Beggar Roost 6km Trail Social Run, via Runtogether

Thursday 23rd June Meal and Drinks and Black Swan post Intervals

Sunday 26th June. Lacock Road Races, Half and 10k by Relish Running.

Tuesday 28th June Sri Chimnoy 2 mile (Club Champs) 

Saturday 2nd July Cotswold Way relay. 10 stage trail relay event.

Thursday 7th July Tintern Trot, 10k trail run along the Wye Valley. Group discount if we have more than 10 interested.

Thursday 14th July TACH Purdown Pursuit. About 10km of parkland and woodland. Lots of juicy little hills.

Thursday 14th July Thornbury  Midsummer 10k (Club Champs) https://clevedonac.co.uk/our-races/midsummer-10k-race/

Friday 22nd July Race 3 Towpath Series

Sunday 24th July The Age Grader, Oldbury. Overall positions (and prizes) will be based on age-adjusted times and not actual time .This event is also suitable for anyone looking to gain a PB on the flat 5 mile course.

This event will we feel will attract seasoned racers and so we are not providing a medal but instead: hot drinks and cakes, a beer, a banana and a sports drink for all. https://www.sites.google.com/site/roguerunsevents/home/our-events/age-grader

Saturday 30th July Magor 10K, fast, flat and furious.

Wednesday 3rd August Bitton Road Race (Club Champs) 

Friday 19th August Race 4 (5K) Towpath Series

September (date changed from June) TACH Rowberrow Romp. TACH’s outstanding new Summer Race.  A challenging 10k-ish route of Mendip mud, strenuous climbs, fab views and a thunderous descent.

Saturday 17th September Relish Running Cheddar Gorge Downhill 10K. https://tinyurl.com/2p9yrsvk

Sunday 18th September Chippenham Half Marathon

Saturday 24th September, Uphill to Wells Relay. An off-road relay race starting at Uphill beach and finishing at Wells Cathedral. The route is 90% off-road and follows the West Mendip Way along footpaths and bridleways. The race is a ‘hand-over’ relay, run without marshals, water stations or other assistance. Teams are responsible for their own safety and for researching the route although their progress will be monitored at check-points at the end of every leg. https://www.uphilltowells.com/default.aspx

Sunday 25th September Great Bristol Run 10k and Half. https://www.greatrun.org/events/great-bristol-run/

Sunday 25th September Forest of Dean Autumn Half Marathon. https://www.rotary-rfod.org.uk/events.php

Sunday 16th October Bath Half Marathon, POSTPONED!

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
