Weekly News – Sunday 17th January

Sunday 17th January

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editor’s Piece

I’m very much enjoying the Facebook Relay. It’s very interesting to hear the back story from some of our members, such as why they decided to take up running and join the club. I’m looking forward to reading about other club members as they take on their relay legs and describe their running journey.

Of course you don’t need to wait until your relay leg if you already have an interesting running related story to tell. Contributions are always welcome, so feel free to e-mail me using this email address.

Guest Speaker – Mark Vile

I hope all the juniors enjoyed the talk on motivation and how to keep focused and set goals. Many thanks to Mark for the presentation.

We are very fortunate that Mark Vile will also be presenting to the seniors on 

Friday 29th January at 7pm. Nearer the date we will be able to confirm the subject matter and Zoom connection details.

England Athletics Weekly30 Run Challenge

It’s only week three of the EA challenge so plenty of time for the club to work their way up the team standings. It’s very simple, you just have to run for 30 minutes and record your distance in metres. 

There’s no limit to the number in a team so every run counts, the more the merrier! 

The Team Code for Westbury Harriers is WESTH. If enough of us do it we might win the team competition, so enter now, and it won’t cost you a penny!


Strava Art

Last week I had a contribution from Rick Watts who decided to share a rather significant birthday run for us all, can you guess his age? Happy birthday Rick!

Westbury Harriers Facebook Group 5km Relay

If you’re a member of the club then it’s worth joining the Westbury Harriers Members Chat group on Facebook. Not only will you be able to see lots of information relating to the club but also the 5km Facebook Relay! This is Tamsin’s idea and I’ll let her describe it to you all.

In this lovely Facebook group we have a whole variety of people – active club members both young and forever young, past members, parents, coaches, people interested in joining the club and many many more. The one connection we have, is we all enjoy (or have enjoyed) running and being involved in Westbury Harriers in some way.

In this lockdown we would like to see how many people we can involve in a 5km relay. Idea is simple and can be flexible. If you get tagged, please complete the next leg of the relay by running or walking 5km. Ideally complete as soon as you can after you have been tagged. So we can involve as many people as we can over the next few months. Post a picture of yourself and your run/walk. If you feel comfortable please tell us about yourself and your connection to the club.

Your run or walk can be whatever you want it to be. Speedy/steady, up/down hill, on/off road, a trail, a wood, a place of interest near you, or round the block of your house, on your own or in a pair. We have people in this group based in different parts of Bristol and also who now live in lots of other locations around the country and world, show us your area.

You can tag someone you know to do the next leg or just pick someone from the group. We are allowed to run in pairs so why not get together with someone else to keep you going and complete two legs at the same time.

Please keep to government guidelines at all times. If you are a junior please get a parents/guardians permission to participate and don’t run on your own. Anyone running in the dark we would suggest pairing up for safety (remember high vis/lights).

If you are ill/injured or don’t wish to take part, that’s fine, please just tag someone else to keep the relay going or let me know. If 5km is too far for you – please adjust the distance to suit you it could be 500m, 1km or 3km.

It is for fun, to get to know people more in this group, to keep people engaged and to motivate everyone to get out the door into the fresh air, which in the dark winter months can be hard. 

Well done to all as we’re already up to leg 6 of the relay. I’ve selected just a few of the facebook contributions so far that I can share with you.

Picture from the Past

Once again a big thanks to John Canning for sharing some more photos from his archive on Facebook. Last week he shared a quiz for the more mature Westbury athlete and we had to guess all eleven athletes in the relay. In then end it was Justin Swift-Smith who guessed correctly the last athlete in the National 12 Stage Road relay of 1992. 

Runner VV22 was indeed Gary Cichy (pictured below). Well done Justin.

Club Intervals- Keeping it Speedy!

This week Vicky wants to keep it quick! So session wise let’s keep it speedy, 10 x 90secs with 60secs recovery. Don’t forget the warm up, warm down and stretching. Good luck.

Strava Result of the Week

Well done to Dan Summers on a 18km lunch run at a cracking pace of 4:24/km. Dan headed out in the direction of Avonmouth and in the process achieve a couple of Personal Records including a PR on Strava Segment, Mind the lorries! in 5:10 and Chittening Road in 3:14. 

Diary Dates

Friday 29th January 7pm Guest Speaker Mark Vile Senior Presentation

January 2021 DB Max Escape Lockdown 5k series. A weekly 5k series to help running motivation during lock down, and it’s free!  https://race-nation.co.uk/register/db-max/escape-lockdown-5k

January 2021 England Athletics Weekly 30 Run challenge. Run for 30 minutes over the weekend, it’s that simple. https://www.englandathletics.org/athletics-and-running/england-competitions/virtual-competitions/weekly30-run-challenge/

January 2021 – Virtual Rollick Although we are disappointed not to be holding our typical Riverbank Rollick in January 2021, Thornbury Running Club are delighted to be holding the inaugural ‘Virtual Rollick’. To make sure that the spirit of the infamous ‘Rollick’ is not lost, we expect at least half of your run to be off-road and to involve an acceptable level of mud wind and water. To enter please go to Race Nation: https://race-nation.co.uk/register/thornbury-running-club/virtual-rollick-2021

Sunday 18th April Virtual AGM 6:30pm A virtual club AGM using Zoom, joining details will be provided nearer the time.

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
