Weekly News- Saturday 16th September

Saturday 16th September 

Westbury Harriers – Weekly News

Editors Piece

After last week’s hot and sunny weather it feels like things are now back to normal and Autumn has finally arrived. The track season may be coming to an end but instead  we have half and full marathons, as well as the cross country season to look forward to.  No more running around Blaise either in the evenings so it’s back to the road. Which is also a timely reminder it’s time to dust off the bright and fluorescent running tops and re-charge the running lights.

Tuesday Running Session at Yate Track and Thursday Intervals

Tuesday session at Yate Track will be published on facebook.

On Thursday we’re back on the field at Coombe Dingle sports centre.

4 x  30sec – 60secs – 90secs – 60secs – 30secs . (30secs recovery between intervals, 2 mins between sets). *option drop to 3 sets for those racing Midland road relays or FoD Half Marathon.

Aim to keep moving between each interval within a set, get used to changing pace  (intervals aren’t ‘flat out’).

Volunteer Takeover at Blaise Caste Parkrun – Saturday 7th October

Westbury Harriers are doing a Volunteer Takeover at Blaise Castle Parkrun on Saturday 7th October! We will need ~20 wonderful volunteers from within our ranks! If you can volunteer, please let Alastair know at webmanager@westburyharriers.co.uk .

Portaferry Northern Ireland 10k

Congratulations to Paul Gardiner, Anthony Glover and David Vincent for their top 10 places in the Portaferry 10k last weekend. Paul was first in 35:25 with Anthony only seconds behind in 35:46. In sixth place was David Vincent in 38:32.

Nicky Faye (unable to run, due to injury) tells me it was a great event, but very hilly!

Next Club Championship Event: Forest of Dean Autumn Half

Next weekend (24th September) we have another club championship event in the form of the Forest of Dean Autumn Half Marathon. If you intend to compete you’ll need to be quick as this morning the website say’s only 7 late entries are left! https://www.forestofdean-halfmarathon.co.uk/autumn/index.php

Peak District Trail Running Weekend 29th Sept to 1st Oct.

A reminder from Dan Summers – for anyone that was interested in the weekend away that was mentioned after the intervals on Thursday….  there are still a few places left on the Westbury Harriers trail running weekend in the Peak District.  It’s 29 Sept to 1 Oct.  Accommodation, meals (except Sat evening), fully guided runs and yoga all for £250.  If you’re interested or have any questions please drop Dan summers a message, or let me know and I’ll pas on your details.  It should be great fun and a chance to spend time with your running friends over more than a few hours one evening! Cheers Dan.

It’s Dark Outside!

A reminder that the nights are drawing in. Therefore please do wear brightly coloured or fluorescent clothing when out running, and charge-up our those running lights. This is especially important when out on the road but also applies to sessions on the grass so we can see our fellow runners. 

Richard’s Wednesday Hills Session

There were some great performances on Knoll hill, as the weather turned towards the seasonal norm, with 3 of the runners achieving their best ever times.

Leading the improvers was Rachel Clarke , with a massive 19s improvement on her previous best, followed by Izzy Povey with an impressive 11s improvement, and William Baker with a 6s improvement. Juliet Milne ran her 3rd best ever time.

Leading the Strava timesheets was Colin Pemble (3:38), William Baker (4:06) and Juliet Milne (4:33).

Well done everyone! Next week we are on Old Sneed Park. All abilities are welcome to these sessions, booking via the Runtogether site.

Wells Harriers Street 5k Series

Back again! 5 laps with split times & encouragement every lap. 2nd Wednesday of every month through October to March – 7.30pm start Race HQ: United Reform Church Hall, Street BA16 0ER (Opens 6.30pm).

Awards every race. For all abilities, ages & speeds. Perhaps make a day of it and combine it with some shopping at Clarks Village Outlet in the afternoon beforehand. https://wellscityharriers.co.uk/index.php/club-races/street-5k

Great North Run 23

Well done to both Alex Hamblin and Clare Jordan who both ran the Great North Run last weekend. The weather was challenging with some real extremes from bright sunshine to torrential downpours but they were successful in completing this famous half marathon in some great times.

Club Kit

If any juniors need WH race vests to purchase ahead of the XC season – can they please get in touch with Tamsin sooner rather than later, as we may need to order sizes. Neil Miller always has spare vests which can be borrowed in an emergency.

Strava Segment of the Week

Well done to David Steller on his Blaise Parkrun, achieving a Strava personal record on segment Blaise Corner in 5:51. 

Diary Dates

Saturday 16th September Relish Running Cheddar Road Race

Sunday 17th September Copenhagen Half Marathon (part of the Super Half Series)

Sunday 17th September Oldbury 10 miler Thornbury Running Club

Saturday 23rd September Uphill to Wells Relay

Saturday 23rd September –Midland 6 and 4 stage Road Relays – Sutton Park

Sunday 24th September Forest of Dean Autumn Half Marathon and Club Championship

Friday 29th September – Sunday 1st October. Trail running weekend, Peak District.

Saturday 30 September – Sunday 1st October World Athletics Road Running Champs Riga 1 mile, 5km and half marathon

Sunday 1st October Cardiff Half Marathon (part of the Super Half Series)

Sunday 8th October ‘Black Nore’ 10k Portishead and club championship

Saturday 14th October Pembrey Park Gwent Gwent League Cross Country

Saturday 28th October Master Cross Country Relay– Long Eaton.

Sunday 29th October Nightingale Nightmare and Club Championship

Thursday 2nd November Severn Bridge Night Race (Fabian4 website)

Saturday 4th November Sugar Loaf Winter Fell Race (Fabian4 website)

Thursday 9th November Weston Prom and Club Championship. 

Saturday 11th November Cardiff Cross and Gwent League Cross Country

Thursday 16th November Severn Bridge Night Race (Fabian4 website)

Sunday 19th November British Masters Road Relays, Mallory Park, Kirby

Saturday 2nd December Blaise Castle Gwent League Cross Country.

Saturday 9th December Tri Counties Cross Country Championships. Further info TBC

Sunday 10th December Christmas Cracker and Club Championship

Saturday 6th January 2024 South West Cross Country Championships – Yeovil

Sunday 4th February The Doynton Hard Half Marathon, trail race.

Saturday 10th February 2024 Gwent Cross Country League Margam Country Park

Saturday 2nd or 3rd March 2024 – 5th Gwent League date and venue not finalised (possibly Saturday at Pontypool again).

Saturday 16th March 2024 – Masters Open Cross Country Championships. Corwen, Wales. (Men/Women masters V35, V45, V55, V65 plus)

Editor this Week

Ian Gawinowski is Westbury Harriers Communications Officer and can be contacted via communication@westburyharriers.co.uk
