Weekly News

AWARDS NIGHT! Only 5 big sleeps to go until the event of the year. Have you got your tickets yet? Link to purchase tickets: Awards Night 

Member of the Month. It’s the first of month so have you any junior and senior member nominations? If so, send them to member.of.the.month@westburyharriers.co.uk with a reason for nomination.

Move Up Monday.  How about moving up to a different group this Monday evening? Going on, give it a try.

AGM and Vacant Posts. Many thanks to all those that attended the AGM and to members who volunteered to fill some of our vacant posts. It is very much appreciated. We do still have a few posts remaining so it would be great if we could also fill the following:

Website Manager. Somebody who has some IT knowledge and could manage the website. 

Reception Assistant. It would be fantastic if we could have somebody to support Emma in her role. If interested contact reception@westburyharriers.co.uk

Vitality London 10km Free Places. The club has been given 6 male and 6 female places for the Vitality London 10km on Monday 27th May 2019. We get these as a club as we have competed in the regional road relay championships in 2017/2018. So thank-you to those people who have taken part in the road relays and enabled us to be eligible for these free places.

If you would like a free place please contact your relevant team manager Tamsin Chick – manager.women@westburyharriers.co.uk or Scott Campbell manager.men@westburyharriers.co.uk

You must be a paid up member. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. However, priority will go to those who wanted to run last year but didn’t get a place as the ladies places went like hot cakes! It is a great, well organised event taking in the London sights. 

Race Review: Blaise Blazer

The Blaise Blazer is our very own event around the tracks and trails of Blaise Castle Estate.  It may only be 4 miles long but you’ll experience all sorts of terrain, from viscously steep climbs,  such as the dynamite hill, to plunging descents like the zig-zag. There are grassy fields and rocky tracks to contend with, perhaps even a little mud if there’s been a recent downpour.  

Of course you’ll be spoilt by the scenery as you run along. It always amazes me that the Blaise estate is on the doorstep of Bristol and yet you could be in some secluded Welsh valley.  You’ll take in many sights including the Mansion, Giant’s Soap Dish and of the course Blaise Castle itself before returning to the Club House.

The race starts on the large field in front of the Club House. Two hundred of us are strung across the field like a Grand National line up, all milling and jockeying about for position, waiting for the start gun to fire.

BANG! We’re off. We all go charging off downhill (good so far), reach the bottom of the valley, then of course it goes uphill (not so good). For a short race there are a lot more ups and downs and twists and turns to deal with. I’ve spend many hours running around Blaise but was still surprised as the route took me to sections I’d never discovered before.

Finally you are heading up the last hill towards the castle. Don’t forget, back straight, head up and smile because the camera man is normally lurking by the folly.  Then from the castle it’s all downhill to the finish, opposite the Club House.  

Before you know it’s over and the pain experienced while out on the course is all forgotten. You can then relive the experience with your fellow Harriers’ with the best tasting post-race cup of tea and slice of cake you’ve ever had!

Naturally this will be a club championship again for this year. The link is shown below in the diary section of events. If you’re not running please also think about volunteering as helpers are always needed.

Photos below for last years event: The Blaise Blazer. Jack Derrick, hot on the heels of Katie Hughes. Julian,  with a smile to the camera and Ian Derrick in pursuit.


Did any races or Park Run’s take place this weekend? I’m sure they did so if you were competing let us know. Either via Facebook or e-mail to results@westburyharriers.co.uk

Diary Dates 

Saturday 6th April. 6:30pm, for 7pm. Awards Evening. Westbury Village Hall, Eastfield Road BS9 4AG. What are you waiting for, buy those tickets now!

Friday 17th May. 18:45 – 22:00 Run Fest: The Series.  The theme is how to strengthen and improve your running.  Run Fest Link

Championship Events

Sunday 21st April. Hanham Horror. Hanham Horror Link

Sunday 28th April. Horton Bull Run. Horton Bull Run Link

Sunday 5th May. Bristol 10k. 

Tuesday 14th May. Sri Chinmoy.  Sri Chinmoy Link

Monday 27th May. Hogweed Trot. Hogweed Trot Link

Monday 3rd June Blaise Blazer. Blaise Blazer

And a couple more additions to the WH Club Championship 19/20 calendar:

Sunday 16th June. Chedder Gorge Challenge 10K. There’s a whole weekend of running, talks and kit sales at Cheddar including various events on the Sunday such as fun runs, 10k, half and full marathons. The event included in the club championship is the 10K. This is an off-road race around the world famous Cheddar Gorge.  The 10K has a number of different starting waves in order to prevent congestion on the narrow paths. If you are thinking of doing this event perhaps let us all know (via Facebook) what wave you are in. We can then all try to run together.

Thursday 20th June Rowberry Romp. I’ve not done this race before so it will be new to me. What I can tell you is that it’s organised by Town and Country Harriers (TAC) and it’s the second time they’ve run this 10k trail race over the Mendips. The race starts at 7pm, from the Swan Inn, Rowberry. BS25 1QL Rowberry Romp Link
