Help needed for the reception group

The Reception Group starts up again on Monday 5th September at Coombe Dingle and the club needs your help.

There are 3 sub-groups and in order for them to run safely a Group Leader and at least 2 helpers per group are needed. One of our long standing Leaders has stepped down and we therefore have a shortage of Group Leaders. We are also often short of helpers. We are putting out a call to Group Leaders and others who could help with the training or the signing in/out of the youngsters to come forward.

We will be setting up a rota so people won’t be expected to help out every week. The Group relies on volunteers and without your help, the Reception Group will not be able to cater for the numbers who want to run.

Training for new Group Leaders can take place for those interested, the cost of training reimbursed by the club.

If you are interested please come along on Monday and make yourself known to Warren Pickles or Jayne Pemble.
