Club membership fees for 2019

Fees are now due for both renewing and new members.

The Committee kindly ask that you pay your fees as soon as possible and at the latest by the end of March as this is when we pay your England Athletics licence fee.

If you are a current England Athletics licence holder, it is valid until 31/3/2019.

2019 Annual Membership Fees

Adult – £40

Child – £10

Junior/student – £25

Family – £105

In the event that your family has more than two adults and two children under 18 joining the club, please take additional membership(s) applying to the age of the youngest child/ children.

New members please join here.

Please renew, log into the website and click on “Membership Renewal”

Payment is via PayPal, you can use an account if you have one or easily use a credit or debit card. It is very straightforward and safe.

Please ensure that you complete both 1/Payment and 2/ Registration details when joining for the first time.

If renewing, please check that your email, phone details and postal address are up to date as any accuracies may affect your England Athletic licence.

If you are paying online for someone other than yourself, please ensure to complete the section to specify this in PayPal.

Please do not give membership fees via cheque or cash on club nights.

If there are any questions or concerns about paying club membership, please contact Alison Rogers, Membership Sec via email

