The AGM takes place on Monday, March 14th after training. The meeting will decide who will run the club for the members for the next year and it’s the membership who will decide this.
The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Apologies for absence
- Adoption of minutes from previous AGM
- Chairman’s report
- Presentation of club accounts
- Team managers’ reports
- Pavilion committee report
- Club rule changes
- Proposal to change the time of Monday night training
- Election of officers
- Election of life members and vice presidents
- Any other business
The rules changes that are proposed are as follows:
Rule 9
“Members will have 30 days grace in which to renew their subscriptions. Members who have not renewed their yearly subscriptions within 60 days will not be eligible to represent the CLUB in competitions. The affiliation subscription will not be accepted if the membership subscription is overdue.
Members who have not renewed their subscriptions by the 31st August 1st April, will be liable to an additional £5 fine, and if still not renewed by the 31 October, the fine due will be £10.”
“Members will have 30 days grace in which to renew their subscriptions. Members who have not renewed their yearly subscriptions within 60 days will not be eligible to represent the CLUB in competitions.
Membership will be offered at a discounted rate until March 31st after which time the membership will increase by £10.”
Reason for proposed change:
The fine has not actively been imposed. The club makes the England Athletics (EA) affiliation payment in April and can do this as a one off bulk load. Subsequent payments to EA have to be done on a one by one basis which is a lot more time consuming.
Rule 11
“Every applicant for membership shall be proposed and seconded by members and each application for membership shall be referred to the committee, who have the authority to accept or reject the application. Membership shall commence from the date of election by the committee.”
“Each application for membership shall be referred to the committee, who have the authority to accept or reject the application. Membership shall commence from the date of election by the committee.”
Reason for proposed change:
The online membership form does not require a proposer and seconder, but the committee must still reserve the right to reject the application.
Rule 19
At each AGM four members shall be elected to serve on the joint pavilion committee with Bristol United Banks Cricket Club. Two of these members shall be appointed trustees in whom the assets of the club shall vest.
Remove rule. With the club taking sole control of the pavilion from the cricket club, there will be no joint pavilion committee. A pavilion committee is still required but can be accommodated under rule 4 “The committee shall have the power to appoint any subcommittee for a specific purpose and to co-opt any person to serve on such a subcommittee.”
Please make every effort to attend the AGM. If you’d like to stand for a role at the AGM you can view the job descriptions here. You can either put your name forward on the night or in advance to the current club secretary Geraint Torrington.