- Monday 5th June – Blaise Blazer. There are less than 45 places left, so if you want to run do enter in advance as there may not be places available on the night, age 16+ – enter online at – online entries close Fri 2nd June. There are no training sessions that night for any groups. We would encourage those not racing to help marshall. So juniors get you parents along to help and all stay for the complimentary tea and cake afterwards.
- Monday 26th June – All adult groups will be running the Westbury Wipeout route as their Monday night training night for a bit of fun – prepare to get wet feet!
- Monday 10th July – Westbury Wipeout – it’s a sellout!!! No training for any groups. We need lots of helpers for this race, so please let Carol Fee know if you can help or sign up on the sheets on the club house noticeboard.
- June’s championship races are – Monday 5th June Blaise Blazer (club championship points also available to marshalls), Friday 23rd June Nailsea 10km, Tuesday 27th June Aztec West 5km
- Monday 21st August annual charity run for all groups (juniors/seniors).
- Get signed up to easyfundraising. We currently have 20 supporters and have rasied over £11 already. Please do sign up and get shopping, it is so easy you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it straightaway.
- Please remember to collect, fill in and wear your shoe tag. This has your emergency contact on and should be worn at every club session. These are worn for your safety.
- Please remember to bake and bring cakes along for the Blaise Blazer.