The 2017 Westbury Harriers Hash

Monday week, 21st August, is our last night at Blaise Castle before moving back to Coombe Dingle for the Autumn.  As is traditional, we’re having a club run which this year is in the form of a ‘Hash’.  A hash is an unknown route marked with sawdust, with lots of false trails and dead ends, and we want to get everyone round as quickly as possible.  If you didn’t do this last year, it is worth reading our short guide so you know what to do: WHH_Instructions
Because it gets dark and the sawdust markers get difficult to spot, this year we’re ending the hash with a hunt for the CAKE BATON.  Towards the end of the hash you’ll arrive at a large open area, where a marshal in a fluorescent bib will tell you what the boundaries of the area are.  Someone else (we’ll tell you who at the briefing) will be hidden somewhere in the area, holding the cake batonThe cake sale can’t start without the cake baton. 
Your job is to find the person with the baton, and then get the baton back to the club house as quickly as possible.  Once the baton has been found, everyone can run back to the club house.
Also, can anyone help mark to course and/or act as ‘marshals’ for this?