The date for the club’s AGM has now been set: Monday, 17th March, upstairs at Coombe Dingle after training (8pm please). We have a few vacancies for helpers in the following roles (which could be shared). Please let Neil Miller, Geraint Torrington or James Murphy know if interested:
– Membership Secretary: Ideally confident on a computer (doesn’t need to be an expert, we do have others on the committee who are stong in IT and can point the way). Could be a double act, e.g. for seniors and juniors.
– Club Development A: Club Mark; The role of club development in the past has been largely dominated by ‘Club Mark’, which is a quality control scheme for clubs, heavily orientated around juniors. If you have QA experience (directly or used to working in a QA regulated environment) and know a bit about the junior section, this is for you.
– Club Development B: Whole Club; Apart from Club Mark, there are all sorts of areas we need to review and improve. Talk to Shirley for more.
– Junior Coaches Coordinator: Lizzy Smith is happy to continue as coaches secretary, but would like to take a back seat in coordinating the coaches of juniors.
– (Assistant) Boys Manager: In particular, someone to enter teams on the day at Gwent Leagues (needs to be there from the start), as well as ideally help with whipping up enthusiasm. Neil Miller is happy to carry on entering teams for championships and sending out newsletters.
– Club Historian: Peter Griffin used to collect cuttings and assemble a record of our achievements, and we sadly miss him. We do have someone in mind for this, but they would probably appreciate sharing.
– If anyone fancies collating race results (which in practice means hastling team managers after Gwent Leagues etc), writing a report, and sending it off to the Evening Post we could do with a press officer too.
We could also do with another person to run with the boys on a Monday. Group 3 – 4 pace, but not quite so far (typically 35 minutes).